Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

"Empath" and "Wink Of An Eye"
"The Empath" is essentially a bottle-show, AKA a 'bottle episode':

It's sad that Voyager effectively dropped the Maquis vs. Federation aspect of the show. I don't blame Beltran for "phoning it in," since he probably thought he'd been cast in an exciting part.

Yeah, that is a good Voyager episode; the first few minutes were boring, but it gets much, much better. The holographic Doc even has "another life" down on the planet, almost rivaling that of Picard's in TNG's "Inner Light."

"The Royale" is underrated. Notice that I didn't say "wonderful," just "underrated." They should've written a more prominent part for Noble Willingham (1931-2004); with a shift in the episode's emphasis, he could've almost been for "Royale" what William Windom was for "Doomsday Machine."

(!) Awesome! I'd filk the plot of "Day Of The Dove" to the tune of "Burning Down The House" by The Talking Heads, but by the time I finished it, no one would be reading this thread. (Why that particular song? Because of the quote, "only a fool fights in a burning house.")

Re: Abbey Road: I've heard that the crosswalk has been painted over. Re: Twin Peaks/ diner: yeah, but how would they respond if I were to do a Gordon Cole impression and shout, "I HEARD THAT! I HEARD THAT!" at the waitresses? They would not respond favorably, I'd imagine. I have this ongoing need to turn

This Man Is Unwell.
Maybe I'm just tired, but that's all I can manage: Stephen Baldwin is unwell in the head. :-(

Hmm. Interesting. All of a sudden I don't feel like being mean anymore. Those are some very heterodox entertainment choices, Trek and Artie. Variety is the spice of life: I read Hofstadter's books (yes, for personal enrichment, not for school or something), and yet I think that Beavis And Butt-Head and The State

The Shatner Fan's Roast Of Artie Lange—Kick 'Em While They're Down Edition
I'm usually in the Star Trek thread in the AV Club, but this news caught my eye, for strangely Trek-related reasons. I remember Artie Lange from the 2006 Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner. Mr. Lange seemed to have an IQ of about twelve,

Bantam Fotonovels! Yeah, I still have a few of those. I got most of them when I was in Kindergarten. The binding was shoddy and the pages fell out of most of them. They do in fact look almost exactly like comic books with photo-stills rather than art; they even retain the comic book custom of having little

TAS has a higher "batting average" than TOS, IMHO—although this is mainly due to the third season of the live action show dragging the average down. Lots of good stuff in the Animated Series. "Yesteryear" is good enough to be considered canon.

The subtitles are wrong. The weapon Scotty holds is a Q'lehMohr ("bringer of unpleasantness").

@ Lobsters 1 re: The Susan Oliver Of Our Generation:

Jennifer's Body
I thought _Jennifer's_Body_ was an entertaining trifle—the parts of it that I can remember, that is, since I was distracted by Jennifer's body.

I realize that the word might potentially seem out-of-place on a Gallagher-related thread, but… other AV Clubbers are aware of the television series Battlestar Galactica, right?

I always assumed—
Based on the weirdness of their lyrics, I always assumed that they took drugs. I have now concluded otherwise. They don't look much older than they did 20 years ago; on that basis, they cannot be serious stoners.

Yep, that's what it said. :-) Wikipedia's legal team could argue that the comment, while lacking neutrality, should be allowed to stay on truth-in-advertising grounds.

@ Arsenio Billingham re: Clockwork Orange:

Maybe we could combine this with one of the Star Trek reviews and have Gallagher decompress in the chamber from "The Lights Of Zetar." Then he could smash a horta with a mallet… or at least he could try.

Gallagher occupies his own pocket universe
This guy makes Baltar from seasons 1 and 2 of Battlestar seem like a very humble man. Ego I can tolerate. I've got quite an ego myself (viz. the fact that my handle is Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV—at least the "Tiberius," "Baltar," and "the fourth" pieces of it, but maybe not