Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

Sorry I'm so late to respond… I somehow overlooked this. Shatner's Alter Ego, this is the one time I'm actually glad to have made a punctuation mistake!

It Crawled Out of Tears Like a Warrior Suppose I Wouldn't Start From Here to the Closing of Spain Somehow
Hey Moth, Come Out, Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Know The Galaxy Being
You Know The Guests Ever Ride the Broken Wing Across Five Days to Justice
Go Read the Bottom of Silence
We'll Let You Follow the Old

I Said I Am Between Hello and Paper Flags
There Are Poxies at the Purple Twilight
The Mice Controlled Experiment
Mirrors I Wouldn't Start From
Layout at the Monster, Make Thunder His Tribute
Expanding Human Factor Corpus Earthling Nightmare
Go Read the Woodwork
The Dance of Things Unknown
Fun and Decay

Expanding Human Demon with the Sounds of Mischief
Come Eat the Cat
A Theme Cat Jumped Over the White Dove With Their Backs to Ninevah
You Can't Pick Cotton in Aspic
From an Afternoon Soda Pop and Ten Drops of Poseidon
42nd at the Bottom of the Cat
Ladies of the Devils Are Here to Kill a King In the White Line

There's a Motherless Child Effigy in Aspic
The Brain of Persons Close to a Trunk
His Right Mind Needs a Trunk
Silence The Brain of Time
The Brain of Spider County Specimen: Unknown Second Chance
Larks' Tongues in Search of Glass Hand
The Brain of Lonely Pagliaccis
Decay of an Enchantress
Suppose I Said I Am

A Bridge Across Walnuts and Goodbye
The Probe Is Albatross?
Incident on My Foot
Larks' Tongues in His Dog
Expanding Human Demon with a Bridge Across Walnuts and Games
Somehow It Crawled Out of the End of Saturday
21st Century Schizoid Man Who Will Cheer My Foot
Expanding Human Demon with a Nice Girl?

Thanks for alerting us to the awesomeness of Route 66 titles. I've never watched the show, but it was interesting to learn that William Shatner and Dee Kelley starred in the show and that George Clayton Johnson had a writing credit. (This is, nominally, a Star Trek thread, after all. )

I know what you mean about syndication. I'm 37 now, and I first saw the syndicated episodes out-of-order… unless by sheer coincidence they were ever broadcast in order. Also, has anyone mentioned the subject of syndication cuts? The Nitpicker's Guide addresses the issue in a typically, and entertainingly, plenary

Naah, this isn't as bad as "The Alternative Factor."

The Vonda N. McIntyre Trek books are all great. Haven't read most of the non-Vonda library, but I have read some of the prose-ports (a better term than 'novelizations' since these didn't usually constitute entire novels) of TOS and TAS episodes. Good overall, but nothing like McIntyre's work.

The first Star Trek episode I ever saw was "Obsession." Appropriate title, that. Toward the beginning of the episode there's a crane shot of some dead redshirts who have just been exsanguinated (or whatever the word is) by the vampire cloud. That's the first moment of Trek I ever saw. I was four years old,

Comma in the wrong place. That's sposta say ' Captain Pike chair, '

1) uosdwiS r jewoH may be my new favorite AV Club poster. He spelled Homer J Simpson upside-down, and he knows his Trek AND his Beatles.

Robin Curtis was way better as Saavik, I think. In the novelization (recommended reading, BTW), Saavik is Peter Preston's tutor in addition to her other duties. I remember back in grade school having difficulty visualizing Kirstie Alley actually being helpful or smart or tutoring anyone. Saavik as a character,

Wait—Cally, you mean?

I would not rule out the possibility. Maybe there will be a cameo from Pecos, absent from Buckaroo Banzai. (Probably not.)

Didn't quite live up to my expectations, but I liked it anyway.
The new "V" didn't quite live up to my expectations, but I liked it anyway. For all its budgetary shortcomings, the original 1980s "V" miniseries was pretty darned awesome. I'd defy anyone to argue that it wasn't well-written, at least by television

And another thing too: maybe the annoying kid is also a rewrite of Donovan's son.

Agreed. I still liked "New V" anyway. I'm prepared to keep watching.

The annoying kid seems to be an amalgam of Daniel Bernstein (aimless teen, joins the Visitor youth) and Robin Maxwell (falls in love with a Visitor, eventually gives birth to his hybrid babies), characters in the original "V". This makes sense, somehow: at least so far, new "V" has fewer characters than old "V".