Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

"V" is for "Vogons"! Now, there's a twist!

The Plan
That B+ rating is too high, but I don't strongly disagree with the review. I'm a fan of BSG (hopefully my avatar displays properly on others' monitors: it's a photo of Baltar and Head Six).

Lou Albano
Home sick (sore throat), readin' The Onion.

{{shrug}} There's no accounting for taste. The late Tony Snow was a huge Jethro Tull fan, for instance. Ian Anderson considered him a friend, though Ian made it plain that he didn't agree with Tony's politics.

That was sposta have indents—TABs don't copy-and-paste correctly, I guess. Oh, well.

QUOTE: [… ability to create Napolean Dynamites may be the only thing that seperates us from the machines.]

A very reasonable conclusion, but the movie entertains me anyway. I'm not what you'd call a staunch defender of Napoleon Dynamite; I just think it's worth a giggle.

The lack of inclusion of at least three paragraphs about Mike Schank is a real oversight.

I'm late to this thread, and probably nobody's following it anymore, but: what was the word that the bad guys would shout in the Apple II version of Beyond Castle Wolfenstein? It sounded something like "boxeil!" or "box-oddle!" or even "blindsaddle!"—? Other home computer versions from the mid-1980s may have

Or Mr. Spock mind-melding with Courtney. He should exercise caution, though: he talked like Nomad for a few minutes after a mind-meld in "The Changeling."

I'm cool with that. Callis is one of my favorite actors. However… I assume that Baltar's dad was alive, possibly on Aerilon, in the time-frame of the upcoming Caprica series; how about they make Patton Oswalt adopt a bizarre accent and play Baltar's dad instead of a talk-show host? I *would* be embarrassed to admit

Masterful Mystery Tour
Yes, I know that this article is from two years ago. I hope that the AV Club reviews the new release from Beatallica, Masterful Mystery Tour. With any luck, I'll receive the CD tomorrow when the Amazon order arrives.

Andy Milonakis
I want to hear Andy Milonakis cover this while playing an out-of-tune pawn shop guitar. Think of it: "Ted Kennedy: wrong. Cindy Sheehan: wrong. French: wrong. Orange juice: wrong. CD burners: wrong." And so on.