
"Oh the noodle metaphor. You're gonna love this."

Great ep.

Oh mercy did I love this show (in syndication, of course). It began my long, inexplicable interest in Martin Landau. So I was so exited when I heard that there would be a Mission Impossible movie. WIth Tom Cruise no less; an actor I have always liked.

That's good to know that the show's order is incorrect, because otherwise Rex was being moody little prick in this ep. to the father who just saved him from a kidnapper, not to mention having recorded an emotional video telling his father how much je loves him.

As an ex IV Heroin addict, I can say that the Breaking Bad depiction of her prepping her Works was exactly spot on, down to mixing it with the top of the plunger. Here on the East Coast we don't usually use heat for our Heroin, but this is in New Mexico, so I guess it  could be a different type.

"…stranded in the woods with Jason Alexander."

"We do translate fully accuracy."

Britta is one of my favorite characters as well.

I've been surprised by foreign actors doing impeccable American accents, like Naomi Watts and Damien Lewis, but Hugh Laurie, God bless him and "A Bit of Fry and Laurie," was praised for his American accent which I always felt was overly inflected and almost parody of an American accent.

It's basically about a young kid helping to save a princess and destroying a Death Star with the help of his friends,  and then destroying a partially built new Death Star. And  the bad guy is the young kids father, which means the young kid retroactively finds out that he kissed his sister! 
It's actually A LOT better

Len's Steal My Sunshine was my biggest surprise on this. Is it a good song? It's catchy as fuck, and they make a cool use of a sample from More More More by Andrea True, who was a porn star. True Story. Andrea True story.

Hate is a strong word. They have some damn catchy songs, that's for sure. I'll wager you had a song of theirs stuck in your head at some point in the last 6 years. Right?

Season 2 finale is my favorite episode. It really is better than Season 3 finale. I compared every finale to Season 2 after I saw it.

There's "Walkabout," but I think the shows strongest episode by far was the season 2 finale. It was as fucking out there bonkers as lost ever got, and that's saying something. Anybody else out there feel me on this one?

I checked out the youtube trailer. Seriously, the animation looks worse than you described it, as does the movie. In the trailer at least the sound wasn't mixed very well. Was that a problem in the film as well? And is that a Kenny Loggins theme song, or just a sound alike?

ANDDDD the Ben Stiller Show. Let's not forget that, kay?

"Crumpled Dick." Band name, CALLED IT!

"I really like them, actually, and that’s probably why I hate this song so much."

February is a month.

"Or maybe just shorten it to Fleetwood Mac…"