
I totally agree. I used to like reading the descriptions of books late in a series to read about a story I know nothing about, and see how confused I could get.

Yes Cheerio, the only think funnier than a joke is explaining why it's not completely accurate.

It always has some flashes of brilliance, to wit: "Kevin?"

Oh, I think that the MATES viewers (and I know they're not viewers) would disagree.

Yeah. My dad is obsessed with "The Dan," and when I was a kid we would always listen to Goucho in the car on long trips and when that part came up we would both sing it out loud together.

Best Onion Rings in the state as far as I'm concerned.

“Sister Maya, was this an act of malice?”
“No, Brother West. It was an act of whimsy.”

Yeah, I still thinks he talks like he's reading from a police report, which is supposed to be a joke, not that he's a robot. It's a satire on the way cops can sound so stilted and weird when they try to describe something to a "civilian."

"I’d forgotten how odd a character Officer Dave is. He speaks like a robot who’s been programmed to be more “human” by his creators because hearing a robot speak would just be creepy. He speaks about Leslie the way a scientist would speak about a thrilling bump in the statistical data of his most recent experiment."

I'm not, like a The Fray fan or anything, but I really liked the song "Over My Head." I DARE you people to say that song isn't catchy as hell. I double dare you to say that you're not singing that song in your head right now!

And the award for best Laurel Canyon Sound is………..


I quite liked this sketch. Very weird and super specific. The Mayan Calendar sketch was torture though.

"…there’s definitely something inherently amusing about him"

The clips and review of this film makes it sound quite good! I dunno, has anyone else seen it?

Yeah. D minor is a very good key for a musical trilogy.

Thank you for introducing me to two great podcasts: Mike and Tom Eat Snacks and The Bugle. Amazing!

I know! I just read their review of the album, and they gave it 4 stars! Haha.

It is…bizarre, for sure.

I never heard of Dwight Twilley either, but that clip was A W S O M E