
it was a quick read through

Movie title?
just curious when did Easy Ride come out, though i suspect that should be Easy Rider

Top 12
if there's 3 groups of 12 and 3 people from each of them go to the final group wouldn't that be a group of 9, or is my math wrong?

Top 12
if there's 3 groups of 12 and 3 people from each of them go to the final group wouldn't that be a group of 9, or is my math wrong?

bringing it full circle,

I'll go see this
but does this remind anyone else of the Dirty Dozen? excpet for it being about 8 or i guess 9 if you count Brad Pitt's character instead of 12 guys

I'm just glad
that in a quick scan of the winners listed I saw neither Miley Cyrus, or Jonas Brothers among them

I still say I want to see a Gangsta Rap week, or 80's Hair metal week