Remember in the 90s when they routinely blew 100 million on movies and then wrote the scripts in POST-production? Hello, "Last Action Hero" and "Waterworld."
Remember in the 90s when they routinely blew 100 million on movies and then wrote the scripts in POST-production? Hello, "Last Action Hero" and "Waterworld."
My attitude is: Don't start firsting, won't be firsting.
It's almost as if people think by mocking her, she'll somehow realize, "Gosh, I was so wrong to go this route. Tomorrow, I'll sign up for some acting lessons to get my chops back into shape and really buckle down. Thanks, concerned strangers!"
I had the opposite reaction, Neophyte. This may be the faint praise thing, but I went in with no expectations precisely because people were overselling it and I couldn't imagine it was nearly so good. And it wasn't, but it was better than I'd expected. But the second one exhausted me with all the subplots and…
Koyaanisqatsi Begins made me laugh so hard I cried!
Another 127 Hours (Eddie Murphy takes over for James Franco)
The Son of the Son of the Mask
Billion Dollar Baby
Marie Antoinette Rising
Darko 3D
A Return to Brokeback Mountain
The Further Adventures of on Golden Pond
Bigger Fish
2 Barton 2 Fink
Glengarry Glen Ross 2: All-American Girl with Mila Kunis playing the daughter of Alec Baldwin's character.
I'll probably see the Muppets and the Pirates one. I suppose there should be Johnny Depp backlash specifically directed at Depp as that character (and even I skipped the third one after the horrible second one) but I'm holding out hope they'll have a simpler story and it'll be just a fun romp like the original. If…
Glengarry Glen Ross II: The Legend of Shelly's Leads
Return to the Labyrinth
More Heathers
Further Desire and Hell at Sunset Motel
Goonies 2: The Next Batch
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
Back to Back to the Future
Gigli Reborn
Fair enough! Although I'm kind of looking forward to "Spy Kids 4: Madea's Big Happy Diary of a Wimpy Paranormal Activity 3D: On Stranger Dark of the Moon" in a sickly curious way.
Which ones are you in favor of?
And which ones really piss you off?
My third comment? It was meant to replace my first, which I thought got eaten by the monster that is my Internet connection. But yes, I do repeat myself a lot in person, too.
Yeah, I totally get that as well, OnanRulz. And I know you're right, too. I don't even blame the cashiers, just the poor system they labor under. I've worked retail and it stinks. It really does.
I do get a joyless vibe from her, though. I don't feel sorry for her exactly, but I don't hate her, either.
The thing that gets me is all the "she threw away her talent/career" stuff as a justification for mocking her or hating her. It's her life and her career. If this is what she wants to do, whether she's enjoying it or not, it's her decision. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing with equal opportunities…
I don't get the hate, either. What I do get is a joyless vibe from her, even when she's on the party scene. She never seems to be enjoying any of it. Obviously, I'm basing this on photos and Internet commentary. Maybe she wakes up every day happy and frisky and loves nothing better than a good mixer with close…
Actually, I do understand it. They don't want to alphahave too many alphaemployees on. They'd rather alphahave too alphafew. But that also translates into alphacustomerwalkout and alphalostsales.
OnanRulz, I can understand that. Just not why there's only just the one cashier doing both the alphaprettification (I'm in love with this word) and the cashiering but no one else around. No one ever seems to be within easy viewing distance of the money machine.