
I really hate when a character leaves behind a prop that is either essential to the plot, or even just a prop where it is extremely unbelievable that it would be left behind. Examples include purses left in restaurants to run after the love interest, scenes that end with all the characters leaving the room without a

I'll let you get back to Reginald's quivering member

I'll let you get back to Reginald's quivering member

Did you just completely check out for a majority of Peggy's scenes? Every one involving her storyline indicated she was wrestling with her damn eyelashes.

Everyone? From what I remember, only *two* people know at this point, and opinions on the matter seem to be an even 50-50 split.

I was also confused by this scene because my television doesn't support closed captioning and sometimes I find this show to have an extremely low sound mix. I end up finishing an episode about 20 minutes after it is supposed to end because of all the times I rewind after saying "wait, what did he/she say??" So if

Are middle parts making a comeback?

"along with Peggy seeing Pete go by her on the ladder."

Paul Rudd is in Wanderlust coming out this month and it's directed by David Wain and co-written by Wain and Ken Marino, and features other State alum as cast members. Elizabeth Banks costarred in Role Models with Rudd, and that was also directed by Wain. So I don't think it's a stretch for them to appear in a sequel.

Kara had a better Bryant Park collection than any of the 3 non-decoy shows (Santino, Chloe, Daniel V.) and was speculated by many in the audience to be the winner.

I think Teti was just making note that to flashback to Mondo's loss would set a precedent for showing clips that couldn't be followed through with the contestants from the Bravo years.

The teacher told him he was wrong, and he said "Oh okay, I thought I was but I wasn't sure, back to you." Like I said, sitting down and shutting up, and deferring to the actual expert in the room.

The gynecologist's office?

The resolution of each plot made me cry, three separate times.

I miss David Healy.

U-Turn is dead, isn't he? He had a heart attack and Marvin suffocated him while they (U, Marvin, Nancy) were out running on top of a hill.

Older season 7/4 reviews?
With the new avclub tv layout, I can only view links to the past 5 or so reviews of a show, and there isn't a large list with all the reviews from these seasons like there is for past reviewed seasons. I haven't been keeping up with the reading and I would like a list so I can start reading

Am I just terrible at everything?
I truly feel as if I'm the only person on the planet that still thoroughly enjoys this show.

I've been trying to figure out where I know Adam Scott's face from for 6 months now, I just didn't know I was trying to figure it out until today.

@MightyMouse - excellent observations, as these have been much of my thoughts regarding Angel and Spike's souls. Angel didn't earn his soul, and Spike did, whether he wanted it or not. This is one of the reasons that Seeing Red doesn't sit well with me, even though I think Spike is more deserving of his soul than