
Well, this doesn't affect me since I have nearly every album on vinyl or otherwise, but I hope it opens a newer generation up to awesomness of the beatles.

The three parter was sweet, but creme fraiche takes the cake.
My god this was a funny finale. Good for them for making this season (half season?) one of the best yet. Simpsons and Family Guy are constantly getting worse, while South Park improves every year. Props to Matt and Terry, and their writers.

Not Surprised.
I bet everything we used to get in happy meals had the saaame shitty lead paint. ….still waiting for my tumor.

Damn, that's a sweet ride. Too bad about the memorobilia. Love you Neil.

Bungled his last broadcast
Good riddance Jeff. In the future, President O'Brien will have you dipped in ranch dressing and fed to a hoard of undead couch potatoes. Enjoy.