
Fuck this!
I'm going to take this opportunity to link to Patton Oswalt's Christmas Shoes bit.

And my first fucking thought was "I hope it's not Pierce."

It's Christian Williams
I know because he got the "and" before his name, and they always die before the movie's over.

I have the perfect solution for this.

Really? I went to Georgia State, which is a pretty shitty school, and we got Maya Angelou and Francis Ford Coppola.

It's better than Season 1 of Buffy, and we all know how that turned out.

I hate Morrisey.
I hate him so much.

It's definitely shooting for dramedy. It also looks unbelievably bad.

What the what?
Nothing about Bart selling tickets to his friends for the porn channel? Oversight. That's a classic Bart scam.

Um, that was the MTV Video Music Awards, which makes the whole thing even more pointless and incomprehensible.

A futuristic version of Captain's Courageous?
Please, god no. Unless the futurism involves reanimating Spencer Tracy's corpse. Then, maybe.

I don't know what Black Swan ad you're talking about, because I have Adblock and am not a person who likes to whine instead of solving a problem.

Maybe because even a lesser Scorcese work is better than about 85% of other movie.

I just saw The Social Network
I enjoyed it immensely, and would have no problem with it being the big award winner this year.

Because they don't really give a shit about world AIDS, and just volunteered for the ego stroke.

It's the worst kind of deluded narcissism. Like our lives would really be lesser if Kim Kardashian never tweeted again, as she contributes so much to the national discourse.

Also, keep in mind that not everyone made the minimum donation, so the total number of people donating is probably less than 16,000.

All of the flailing about and histrionics when the players make a routine tackle like they're supposed to would be a good start.

Um, Scorcese is on his way down?

Stop everything!!!
Here's Cookie Monster's SNL Audition tape.