
Well, yeah, if you don't count "And Your Bird Can Sing."

I understand the other side. I just find their political philosophy to be infantile. It boilds down to "Taxes Bad - Freedom Good!" That's not an informed thought. How do you have a reasonable argument with someone when that maxim is not just their starting position, but their only position?

Neil Patrick Harris is pretty high in the running.

No shit, Breakfast.

Caine was on NPR's Fresh Air today talking about his memoirs. I can't tell if Underfold was trying to be cliquey and friendly or mean-spirited and snarky. I'll just believe the former because it's more pleasant.

I have a Jack Skellington tattoo. I'm fairly sure I got it before all the nonsense started (2002?), and it's the least obnoxious tat of him ever because it's on my calf and you'll only ever see it if I want you to because I rarely wear shorts.

So fucking bittorrent it. The excuse that they couldn't find any copies of this information in the information age just smacks of bullshit.

Obligatory "Whip My Hair" hate thread.
Why do people like these songs with grating, repetitive, nasally hooks? It's just awful.

Tense Question
I was taught that when writing about film the present tense is preferred. You were probably taught the same thing. I think reading these in the past tense would be distracting.

Yes, because there are no white people anywhere who like the Roots or John Legend.

Hello, written by Aaron Sorkin. What part of a Sorkin script directed by David Fincher makes you not want to see that movie?


Prepare for Pedantry!
Shouldn't Zoidberg be, you know, dead?

Holy Shit.
Matt Lanter? That dude and I graduated same class, same high school. I'll bet all the drama students that graduated with us are fucking pissed, because he never even set foot in the fine arts wing.

See, HBO Go does not compare to Netflix because you have to have cable tv to get it.. I have Netflix at the exclusion of cable, and there is no fucking way I'm going to subscribe to cable, then to HBO. They're losing a customer that they could easily have if they just played ball. Hell, I'd be willing to pay an

My Wife

It usually is, but Ace of Base is in the news today.

The Sign
is right at the top on my "Songs my imaginary punk band will cover" list, right above "Total Eclipse of the Heart" and "Right Here Waiting."

You can know [spoiler deleted] and still be blown away by the execution of the episode. I think I managed to catch this one on air, having not followed the season up to that point, and being completely floored by everything about it.

They will, but it will be an industrial, steam-punk version. And they won't sing it so much as rustily howl it.