Francisco the Man

Is anyone else tired of the superficial way that Greg Proops will crack a joke with a reference ranging from the somewhat known to the obscure then quickly tell the audience from some flyover state that they're too dumb to get it?

You lived in my city for a few months in the 90's.  We all loved you and still tell stories about the things you did while you were here.  Rest in peace, you left us too soon.

Hahaha….that was mean but funny!

Annie Clark must get very tired of everyone commenting about her physical beauty in everything written about her.  I guess that isn't the worst problem to have though.

I never knew they broke up! I saw them at a tiny youth center in middle America a million years ago. The "Mirror" and "Out of the Races and Onto the Tracks" albums are personal classics that I still listen to. The song "Out of the Races…" was actually in the first party scene in "The Rules of Attraction", it

While we're on the subject of David Lynch films, could anyone deny the creepy, ethereal element that Roy Orbison's "In Dreams" brings to a particularly great scene in "Blue Velvet"?

It is my preference to speak kindly about a person who made music that I adored and has passed away prematurely, Wojo. If your thoughts about Poly Styrene tend to lean towards the negative, perhaps you should sit this one out and let those who admired her art pay their respects.

Unnecessarily disparaging one to compliment another…who are you? Anthony Bourdain? Henry Rollins? Most of the early British punk bands were admittedly fans of the Ramones. Collectively, they were all heavily influenced by Phil Spector's work with girl groups. Both bands deserve the utmost respect from music fans,