Don No Soul Simmons

Persuasive percussion is the thrift store find that lives up to the cover art- novelty stereo wonkiness at its best

Hey I'm looking at this days late, but can't help throwing out a…
35 dollars and a six pack to my name!
Six pack!

Because he's MY butler.

I had a really cool friend in high school who had satellite, whereas I had only bunny ears with the parent's set… I gave him four video tapes and he taped almost a whole Turkey Day for me on the slow speed- so much classic stuff I watch to this day… Yeah the Joel era had this sleepy goofy innocent thing with the

Robert Anton Wilson's work is fascinating- he keeps a Vonnegut "all the truths I'm about to tell you are lies" style, but still brings enough fascinating brainworms that make you see the world differently.
I was hoping this movie would deliver that sort of wonder and fascination, but instead… well, you know.

I thought that song sounded familiar just cliche-wise… stand corrected (not bout the vest-age though)

Bubble and Scrape?…
Saw Lou at an in-store a few years back- he was sporting an Old Navy tech-vest (member those?), and opened his first song rhyming "cold as ice" with "paradise". It's all a matter of soul and a luke-warm fire.

Had a prof. in college who was an old-school Faulkner fanatic and he got extremely pissed when I brought up Barton Fink (where's my honey?!!) and started yelling something like "lies! lies! it's not true!"
closely related- I think the scene with John Goodman as the bible salesman in O Brother is the closest that

Yep even when Fox gets "dirty" with their shows, they often just re-enforce dominant culture- I mean even back with Married With Children, that show was pretty similar to Family Guy in that it had a thin front of a satire on traditional family, but in the end just gave boobies and horribly simple minded frat boy jokes

pussy stank, but so do marijuana

Wow - this guy was on Big Brother last week and achieved the amazing task of seeming even more douchy than the contestants- also…how many times do we have to see the clip of the Asian guy being beaten in that tardfest of a Goods trailer?…

Headline on CNN this morning: "Kate Gosselin Breaks Her Silence"…ummm - did I miss something cuz I feel like I know this lady's shoe-size from the constant barrage of her life on every media outlet- where is this silence they speak of, and how can I get more, more, more sweet silence of this kind…

Your mission…
should you choose to accept it, is to hunt down all the possible defectors and slanderers of the Scientology name, you know, for LRH… and we know you will accept it, because you're BATSHIT CRAZY. and gay.

luv Radio Shack for crazy wire splitters/adaptors/stereo geekery- but nice folks at mine… yup at any bizness the creeps gotta go- I- worked at a used guitar store and we got all the fallout from people who couldn't stand the Guitar Center's douchy creep metal guys

No time for at the movies when…
They're letting Squeaky Fromme go?! Watch your Polanski and bump your Manson bootleg cassette while you can, cuz Helter Skelter's about to roll all over our asses…

we need more true American macho business donkey wrestlers

my claws are out and I feel FAAABULOUS!!!

Another great Sun legend…
RIP. Got to see him at University of Arkansas once, he was playing a more swampy blues style but still great - a lot like Charlie Feathers, another Sun great who was a little too eccentric for the Elvis big-ness… also Flying Saucer Rock'n'Roll still gets great ragin covers from punk and trash

Yep- Ebert has strayed a bit into the three stars for everything camp- but I saw Orphan yesterday with the girlfriend as a break from the heat matinee- and guess what- it is pretty damn creepy and genuinely scary in many parts and I agree with Ebert's breakdown a lot more than the review here.
And for all the folks

Drool! Drool! Drool! Drool! My payola!