
Such a clear homage to Everybody! The floor of the house is the same as the dance floor in the BSB video, people. THE SAME.

I think my favorite early reference was the period when Daphne left the gang and they inserted Marcie in the credits in her place and she clutched Velma's picture to her chest, but the bit in the finale where they are on Velma's bed, and Marcie says they shouldn't fool around… it was just so explicit. I really applaud

I need someone to verify this. When Rachel the horrid has to choose between the beard-sculpting and the gingerbread trail, everyone else heard her say "I don't even know what a beard is" too, right? Please tell me I didn't imagine that.

Yes to everything you said. There are so many excuses to be made for WHY television tells stories about women or QUILTBAG characters through a straight male perspective, but they are just that: excuses.

Thank you, exactly.

Or maybe:

I think it wanted to be the masterpiece that Rowan sees but it failed miserably, so I'll agree with you. There is dialogue in this that suggests it wants to be a big source of discussion, but it gets so horrible mangled that I don't think it can be a masterpiece.

I honestly can't believe an episode as offensive as this one would make it into the Television Hall of Fame. I'm actually shocked this got an A! I went from a hardline Misfits fanatic who recommended it to everyone for the past two years to a disappointed former fan starting with this episode. That anyone could

All I associate with the rapture
is the opening theme of Misfits.

Actually, that or seeing Zev in the shiny pajamas again.

I think the highlight for me was
seeing Luke at the finish line wearing a shirt that said "SINISTER DEAF KID," which is what Mike White had dubbed him on their first race together.

The absolute best part of the cult episode has Shawn sitting beside Turner's hospital bed after the motorcycle accident, raging at the ceiling, yelling "Don't give up on me, God!" I laugh every time. It is sheer genius.

WHATEVER, The Dreck, Teen Angel was HILARIOUS. God's cousin Rod? The main character died after being dared to eat a cheeseburger that he found under his best friend's bed? It. Was. Perfect.

Thought I'd clear up some dialogue
The girl Tony brought along to the date is his sister Eura, who, like Effy in the original, does not initially talk, as he says "No, Eura has a communication issue. We get around it though."

So disappointing to see this end
What an excellent episode, on the end of a string of excellent episodes. I don't think I've seen many programs even meant for adults with the same subtlety as Huge, but the one that particularly got me was the shared final scene with Will and Rand. If this was not a typical finale,

Oh my god me too Tilly. I figure they're not going that direction but for the last few episodes, I really thought they were trying to make it look like Trent had a crush on Ian.

This is certainly not an original opinion, and for that I apologize, but I love the little things they've tossed out about Poppy. Really, that she's asexual was the best one by far, but all of her little moments have been so telling. I kind of hope they would build more on the asexuality but I almost think that might

Favorite episode so far
This was really such a nuanced episode, and for that reason I love it entirely. In the beginning of the show Chloe was easily my least favorite character, as she seemed like such a trope of the bitchy popular girl, but the past few episodes have really delighted in showing things from her

Loved this episode
Your observation on this show's use of the two-person scene is particularly astute, and I loved all the many little scenes that made up this episode. I think what I have come to love about Huge is that on many other shows, we would only ever see Amber and Chloe together, with occasional interlopers,

have yet to check this out
but it's a shame it seems poorly thought. And I've long been a fan of Michael Seater, so I'm a little disappointed he's weak in this. Oh well.