
I fucking love this band, I just popped in Enter the other day after totally forgetting they existed, definitely going to "pick this up" immediately.

Because this music is as inoffensive as a dull yawn, or a quiet fart in the wind

In the gimmick poster world, you're a homeless mans Cookie Monster.

Arguments can be made that Nixon was the last great Republican president. Even that aside, can we really hold it against someone that they looked up to the President as a kid? I mean c'mon.

Poor mans Fresh Prince

Did anyone see her on Ferguson last night? After seeing her there, my waning interest in her was overcome by how positively adorable she was. But still, fuck her new show.

The show is incredibly reliant on character humor, and that requires some serious investment in the series to be honest. A lot of the one off jokes, gags and monologues are pretty stale, it's the interactions between Larry, Artie, and Hank "Hey Now" Kingsley as well as the behind the scenes treatment that make the

AVC did an interview with Wyatt Cenac not to long ago where he goes into it a bit

That was a UAV, not a satellite iirc

Because Adult Swim presumably likes to air shows with people who give a shit about fulfilling commitments

I'll throw in over half a dozen plot lines in the series Oz

Yes, because this actually is a video

Except if you do go deeper you'll find that Mellowhype, Mike G, Domo Genesis and Jet Age of Tommorow don't touch any of the rape references that Tyler and Earl do.

I hope @avclub-e91ece334b0ad57f482cb2d5adf13c04:disqus is trolling, either way he's pretty hysterical

@avclub-9f74ae56b5c09dc7de09bf4bc0d808a1:disqus  "just in time for the hype to run out"
 Said at least one person in every comment section on every article posted about these guys ever over the past year, and yet despite people wishing it to be true it hasn't happened.

People also use "secretary rock" as a pejorative. Condescending it may be it describes a certain sound and aesthetic related to by a group of bands.

I don't have a problem with them either, it just occurred to me that up until 10 minutes ago I didn't know anyone who actually listened to their music.
I'm sure we're all aware of them because of their zany video antics, I just see more emphasis on that then on their music whenever they're mentioned.

Sao Paulo is the new Brooklyn obviously

I get kill boners every time I think about it

I forgot those were a thing, as I remember they didn't even contain the full song