bronwyn mallet

Perhaps the assertion was that Louie Anderson is 'in' for another Emmy, and that the reader considers him to be a shoe. I strongly adhere to this interpretation.

Right? this show was such a fantastic showcase for her. Even though i love pretty Liz, I think Ruth Diamond Phillips is my favorite. Her lack of confidence, her body english, her facial tics, her desperation - just brilliant work.

dolphinately. it's the best way to get to know all the players, because you'll be seeing them throughout the entire series in all sorts of contexts. i really think the show works best if you consider it one single, extended body of work. don't take the stuff at face value, either, or it's just a panoply of horrible

He left the show after season 2 to do "Man vs. Woman", but there are a number of former Tim and Eric people still cutting the show and doing the graphics, which is probably where that kind of absurdity is coming from.

Well, you certainly taught the rest of us a lesson. And here we all were, enjoying the show, foolishly using our own standards instead of yours.

Well put on all counts.

I love how Kroll Show 'universe' people, totally unrelated to Wendy Shawn, were sprinkled in with the Brismitzvah crowd - Ron Funches, the twins from Gigolo House (and Bobby's testicle nightclub), the strongman from Show Us Your Songs, Judge Levenstein, even Dr. Armond's ghost…I can't think of another show, ever, that

Don't fret, you're right on target. Wrapping up the Armond saga with a pat, band-aid ending like 'The Game' was brilliant, especially since the absurdity of the concept works so much better with comedy - you don't have to suspend as much disbelief as you did with the Fincher film.