
You just made me spray part of a Starbuck's Caramel Macchiatto on myself and that shit's expensive. You owe me a quarter.

Saw this guy live
in Austin, TX well over 20 years ago. Took my mom, believe it or not! They had an open bar, so there's always going to be a drunkard or two - this one guy just wouldn't shut up, kept going "woooooohhhhh!!!" every time Gallagher would start talking. So instead of having the shit-for-brains removed,

Gigantor, mulled wine is NOT for fags. Have you ever had it? It has all kinds of stuff in it and when you get to the bottom of your glass, there's usually some nuts down there that the wine has made kind of soft but still hard in the middle and they're just warm and a little salty and you can suck…..

I just realized this is the AVC and I should probably not be criticizing witty wordplay.

Oh, come on! The "prickly pear" line is immortal! I have had to actively resist the urge to fling myself through a glass table backwards just so I could use that line in its proper context.

You know, I rewatched Rear Window recently and it didn't hold up for me. I think the permission Hitchcock gives us to be voyeurs and the brilliant way he allows us to do it are all that holds that film up. I didn't especially care for Stewart or Kelly - they seemed way too fond of themselves and their witty wordplay

And more than a little sexy, with all that cheek-to-cheek action. They can SMELL each other that close and then the pheromones hit the bloodstream and, as The Church Lady would say, the naughty bits start to get all tingly…

Unselfish, Tiger? He was going to abandon his family in their time of need by taking the cowardly way out. And while this movie may be about the pursuit of happiness, that happiness is in the guise of money and possessions, which are ultimately just reflections of the all-encompassing ego. George feels like a

Ah well, I can clear that one up for you in a jiffy. The greatest movie ever made is…….tststststtstststtststs (snare drum)

Coolio appeared in my town
at a sandwich shop. I didn't actually see him, but the sign said, "Yes, THAT Coolio!" If it had been the other one, I might have gone.