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    For the (later) record, I noticed the 2033 date as well.

    For the (later) record, I noticed the 2033 date as well.

    Always something to look forward to, and never a disappointment.


    I vote one "hell yeah!" for Awesome Brain Powers.

    "I'm Spartacus!"

    Addled from thinking about this, I mixed up my characters. I meant Allison Janney's character, of course.

    This show is always about failing to find the outside point of view from which everything would make sense. Always. At the same time, it's also a show about taking the point of view that seems to work best for you and running with it. But in no way do I expect that we, the viewers, are going to get off that hook.

    Get some Woodford Reserve, too.

    Might have been the best thing he could improvise from what little he's seen of Smokey's limits. Assumptions, though…

    @min alskaren: I was thinking that about Locke's line about Helen, too. Took it as a small sign of cross-over.

    So I vote for misdirection.


    My thought was that the hospital administrator was functioning more or less like Eloise Widmore in last week's episode — as a blocking figure, keeping apart the two characters who form a pair. Like Bubbles said about the $100K, all the things he said to Hurley seem out of proportion for a voluntary admit.

    1970. Being born in a 0 year always made it easy to remember my age….

    The Frogurt is also cursed.

    Maybe she doesn't have a mirror to check her hair with?

    No, just that "Demolition Man" was also on the cable last night, so somebody is cross-pollinating .

    Personally, I thought that her taking off his wool hat was a nice touch. Have we seen Opie without it before?

    Gurney Norman! Nice guy. Was always polite to me in the hallways at POT.