
Also I don't know why avclub switches my account between my phone and computer

Try "London Calling".

This is the final review of a seasons worth of his reviews, more than half of which ignored actually talking about the story in favor of Sava bit ching about perceived race and gender slights m, and more often than not, projecting his own misogyny onto the women of the show (any given review where he refers to them as

Yea by the time Iron Fist rolls around, Daredevil will be going into its 4th

Wish Oliver Sava would

Wow, a C? I really hope they give this to someone who is very much NOT Oliver "Everything is racist and sexist' Sava next year

Because that's definitely what I said? "rawr Ben Urich is white in the books and while we're at it Michael b Jordan is too black to be Johnny storm!"—- right? No, I said racism and sexism are not relevant to this moment, this show, or this character, at least not so relevant that the wider implications of death or

But I come here to find in depth analysis of whatever it is I'm watching. For parts of this show and most of unbreakable kimmy schmidt, the reviewer either missed the point or got so hung up on the circumstances of something involving race that there was never any actual discussion about the character or what anything

And honestly that was way more tame than I usually get.

It's honestly not any kind of mode, it'd just my general way of speaking

Wow would it be nice to read one thing where race doesn't come into play. do you honestly think Marvel Studios js just full of white men twiddling their fingers and saying to themselves "how can we shit all over the African-American community this season…. aha! We will make all the white characters froM the comics

Any theories on who or what Black Sky was?

As has been every episode of this series, 'Condemned' was perfect. I definitely watched it as a 13 hour movie though

Well who shit in your cereal?

I can't believe you didn't mention the amazing comic book cheese in this episode. 'I don't think you've felt the true STING of betrayal' and 'Im the queen of this hive' made me laugh so hard.

They are definitely worthy but not nearly as all around kickAss. Flash comes closest

I have never been so scared of a gangster as I am of the Kingpin. Not Tony Soprano, not Vito Corleone, not Walter White or Gus Fringe. Holy Shit.

It's perfect. This show is just perfect. I have zero complaints other than the daily bugle not being the newspaper. [EDIT] or Frontline! I mean come in its Ben Urich!

Daredevil has clear ties to the MCU though, Punisher doesnt

Okay maybe orange is a bad secondary example, allow me to pull from the Netflix barrel; season 4 of arrested development probably stands as the best example of this structure. season 4 of the killing. etc. I'm 4 episodes in and I think the reviewer is way off base