
That dude's the Sully Sullenberger of Salou, Spain.

Wait, I thought the Beatles comprised Pope John Paul, George, and Ringo.

The fact that Buckaroo Banzai is mentioned in the same essay as Dr. Strangelove pleases me immensely.


Miller's Crossing has so many great lines. I love, "Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey."

Sumina beetch, fargin bastiges!

White House Don was excellent. Stockard Channing Tatum's best role yet.

Though I also enjoyed Don E. Darko.

I preferred Don of the Dead.

Notice that the trailer for this Godfather ripoff featured a scene containing oranges?

The Grateful Dead deserve mention since, from the beginning, they allowed fans to record them live. Shows even had a designated Taper's Section. And they were doing this many years before Phish and Pearl Jam.

Well M*A*S*H milked 11 seasons out of a three-year war so precedence has been established.


That was awesome.

You mean you want to see a future film version of a past TV show about a future family done in a past animation style? How very neo-retro-neo-ad-infinitum of you!

I smell a Jetsons/Short Circuit crossover where Rosie and SC hook up (and it smells like ozone).

They should do this with one human and one sex robot. SEX BOT SEX BOX!

I'll wait until the series ends then buy the Sex Box Box Set.

Lenny Bruce Lee Marvin Gaye?

This Portion is Not Enough