Happy Birthday Paulie

Dewey and Danny Crowe, working side by side. What good deeds have I done to deserve such a gift? I mean, that's got to be the lowest combined IQ of any two characters in TV history, right? They couldn't power a pocket flashlight. Hell, the negative space of their brainpower would probably cause a power outage across

Somewhat tangential but illuminating story about Dennis Miller-as-MNF commentator:

Do Make Say Think seems like a great launching point for people who don't listen to/are skeptical of post-rock. They're propulsive, jazzy, and, unlike a lot of other bands of their ilk (many of whom I love), they're not always so serious and somber.

I have to give a shout-out to Giant Squid's The Ichthyologist, which is one of my favorite post-metal albums in recent years. Their other output is good, but I'd say that record wears the crown.

We're in talks.

This is a review of an Eric Erlandson book that got an F. We're in sad country.

The last book I remember earning the F was this: http://www.avclub.com/artic…, and that led to one of my all-time favorite comment sections. I doubt EE will inspire the same group creativity.

Good album, but the weakest of their three so far. Fourteen Autumns is untouchable, and I think I loved Forget the Night Ahead more than a lot of people. I'll need to spend some more time with this one.