
you would think henry would have come to terms with hook by now. He has saved Emma on more than one occasion, not to mention he's died for her like 5 times haha And yeah, like you said, they didn't give any indication that Henry had problems with Hook. I guess on the plus side it was resolved in one episode.

maybe it's the weekend ha

The evil queen is not psychic so how the hell did she know that the sheers were in the toolbox? I get that she is powerful, but come on man. I kind of hope they get rid of her soon.

During their affair, I think Fitz worked way harder at keeping Liv than Liv did at keeping Fitz. In my opinion, it seemed like he put in A LOT of effort and she was just there to accept it. Not that she wasn't in love with him but he did most of the work for her. Like, calling her all the time and showing up at her

The AV club comments section (with the exception of episodes with bad grades) is the only comments section I actually read and love. So much. On "A" episodes I will actually read every comment, scrolling down with a big smile on my face. Love ya guys.

I would do anything for a happy endings revival…in any form. If Hulu was as big back then as it is now, there is a good chance they would have picked it up. But hey, Netflix did a 4th season of Arrested Development some time after it was canceled so I will never give up on a Happy Endings comeback.