Heywood Jablomey

"Highway Patrolman" and "Atlantic City", for obvious reasons, but "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" totally does it to me, especially at the end:

Honey vodka
Just FYI: honey vodka isn't flavored, it's actually fermented and distilled honey. And without the peppers (what the fuck, Ukraine?) it's really tasty.

Hey, Castro, I already got dibs.

I got a bottle of Nemiroff in Kiev in 2003 cause my friend (who doesn't drink and I'm pretty sure was fucking with me) recommended it. It didn't get finished until 2007 at my "I'm moving so let's drink all my booze and eat all my food" party. God that shit is awful.

Word. There was no progression, just happy relationship, some fighting last week, then the break up now. Didn't work, wasn't that funny.

"I'm Alan Thicke."

The use of "Bazinga" in this episode, not particularly funny.

Madam, desist. I am not a native of Cuba's capital city.

Ainsley Hayes quits to move on to some bigger job in season 3, maybe (don't quite remember), but they do mention her and her leaving after, especially when Matthew Perry is hired explicitly as her replacement.

I'm just gonna put this out there, but
Maybe this disc isn't for funerals. From the songs included and the odd prom-night cover picture, I'm gonna guess this is a break-up collection. Nothing about this music or description of it says anything about death or funerals. Way to be macabre there, Amelie.

I thought he worked on the Mars rover.

It even fucks me up when I know how long a movie is (watching at home where I can see the counter on the DVD player). If I know there's forty minutes left, I know the climax isn't immediate.

I don't like it. This show has taken Chuck too far away from being just an ordinary dude in an extraordinary situation. I'm not saying I'll stop watching, but I'm VERY worried about what direction the plot will take season.

It's three days; apparently Christianity works the same way as Blockbuster.

Joel, did you Liz, or did you Jack?

All the way towards the top, someone mentioned "Bowling for Columbine", the security camera footage from Columbine with the audio from 911 calls made me about lose it. If it had been fiction it never would have had the same affect, but something about the knowledge that it really happened and involved real people got

"Pussy Control" is absolutely the WORST song to sing to yourself in a computer lab. I found this out while reading the AV Club's post on Valentine's Day mixtapes.

It was more like five minutes. That's what I get for reading the review first, getting to the bottom and seeing no posts. I flew too close to the sun, my friends, too close to the sun.

"No this isn't Tracy Jordan…I don't believe I'm familiar with that term…Can you make it to Connecticut?"

Don't care if I fail