
Just watched it again, and man, first thing I noticed is that Mustain gets pretty damn gutteral with his vocals in this. Very impressive range on his part. Though that shouldn't surprise anybody.

C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c YEAH!

I thought it was a solid B-.

How is this a B? I thought most of it was PAINFULLY unfunny.

Congrats Regular show, you pulled off THE most painfully obvious sex joke in children's cartoon history.

The fact that Wang can't get a new arena speaks more to the litigative hell that is Long Island and Nassau County (as a law student I'm learning this first hand). Which is a shame, the fact that the process and hoops he has to jump through are going to take a team away from a die hard fan base is really unfortunate.

This bitter Mets fan will forever despise Bud Selig for his handling of the Wilpon situation. We're going to be hamstrung by our lack of capital for years. I haven't been to a game, much like Cody II, since all this happened. I have no idea why they haven't been forced to sell the god damn team yet.

There is a pretty good chance there will be one more movie. After all The Simpsons is doing a crossover with them next season (god knows that's going to be a trainwreck) so there is definitely a chance of a full theatrical film, or at least another DVD movie or two.

That's pretty much what I thought it meant.

Alright, honesty time, how many of you cried, like I did?

I called my mom at 3AM her time after seeing this episode. Just to say I love her.

Wow, Bender is a surrogate for the brother he felt he never really had and still now doesn't.

They'll all be trapped in a Floyd hole.

You know, from season 1 to season 3, I'd agree with you.

I don't know, I think it was more like a lot of the really traumatic things that happened to Rusty when he was a child and he's just blocking it out or repressing it like a lot of the others so he can at least function on a basic level. Then it being a clone half memory. But hey I could be totally wrong, Hammer and

One last thing to add, Patrick Warburton's line delivery in this episode was so damn perfect.

God I keep forgetting about Damian Wayne. I'm too old. All of think of when I see "little shit kid sidekick" is Jason Todd.

Given that he was being a snarky dick to him, I'm going to dub this one his Jason Todd, even though he's already had the one that died.

I doubt it since Kim "Moved to Florida and got all Christiany"

So, Rusty dead? Crippled? Trapped in another parallel dimension only to be brought back by our favorite Necromancer? Lets here those inane theories people!