
It has its ups and downs, but it introduces a couple absolutely superb side characters that basically function as anti-Indiana Jones, anti-Threepio, and anti-Artoo. They're a lot of fun and essentially carry the series through its weaker moments.

Doubly baffling since that's literally what they did with Dark Disciple: they gave Christie Golden the scripts for a couple Ventress/Vos centric arcs and let her go to town, and I feel like it worked really well. Of course, I'm biased; Ventress has been one of my favorite EU characters since the Clone Wars microseries.

Is there a recap of the show I can read somewhere? I want to watch this, but it's been years since I watched Heroes, and I don't remember what the hell happened anymore. I don't think I even finished season four.

I feel like I've read somewhere that The Flash has been a week ahead of Arrow for most of the back half of the season, so next week's episode of The Flash takes place before this week's episode of Arrow. Oliver more than likely heads off to Central City to help Barry and Firestorm throw down with Wells, then tells