raging bully

You should've broken up after Brighten the Corners

You should've broken up after Brighten the Corners

Well, for me, the 80s wins just because of John Carpenter. But also

Well, for me, the 80s wins just because of John Carpenter. But also

The only other really good sci-fi films I could think of were 12 Monkeys, Gattaca, and Existenz. 12 Monkeys probably is a better film than Total Recall. I dunno, maybe a tie? Either way, they're both better than T2

The only other really good sci-fi films I could think of were 12 Monkeys, Gattaca, and Existenz. 12 Monkeys probably is a better film than Total Recall. I dunno, maybe a tie? Either way, they're both better than T2

I like the cut of yer jib, Alien Jesus

I like the cut of yer jib, Alien Jesus

Ok, bare with me here, guys. First, I love seeing Miller's Crossing on this list, and it's high ranking. Easily top 3 Coen bros for me. Even though the theme music drives me up a damn wall.

Ok, bare with me here, guys. First, I love seeing Miller's Crossing on this list, and it's high ranking. Easily top 3 Coen bros for me. Even though the theme music drives me up a damn wall.

I dunno how I ended up here, but I feel trapped, and angry

I dunno how I ended up here, but I feel trapped, and angry

Now I can circle "eskimo" in space

Now I can circle "eskimo" in space

I really hated Cabin in the Woods, but not as much as I hate Johnny Depp.

I really hated Cabin in the Woods, but not as much as I hate Johnny Depp.

Sandman, mildly overrated?

Sandman, mildly overrated?

Hey, uh, Niggygetdown, while I appreciate your unique perspective on the subject at hand,

Hey, uh, Niggygetdown, while I appreciate your unique perspective on the subject at hand,