raging bully

Not only was this my fave movie of last year, but one of the better ones I've seen in some time. So there are 4 of us

Let's say it is the bottom of the barrel being scraped

Haha! Thanks Rev

Come summer 2015, the whole world will learn what I've known for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time——Ant Man is badass

Anybody know anything about the upcoming Cronenberg/Criterion releases? Scanners and Brood seem to be a given, but I've also read that there might be a box set with Shivers and Rabid as well. Which would be the coolest thing ever

Man, Conundrum summed it up perfectly for me. Absolutely optimistic, easily the most optimistic ending in the trilogy. I was actually surprised, reading thru these comments just now, that so many people found it dark, depressing, downbeat, etc.

I really hated Pacific Rim. I don't hate anything, really, especially something as insignificant as a film, but my God, I actually hated it. I think it was a combination of somewhat high expectations, and well, the absolute failure of every single second of everything that was. The trite and cliched plot. The terrible

I don't understand how so many critics are dropping the ball on this one. Best movie of the year so far, easily methinks, and definitely a sleeper cult hit that will get it's due in the years to come

So this is better than Only God Forgives, huh? I was kinda looking forward to it, but I'm definitely gonna see it in the theatres maybe in the next couple weeks or so now!

And nobody's talking about Bark Psychosis

I'm just glad I don't have to go on other album review threads here and beg for a review for this LP anymore. Not that I've done that in a couple months, or however long ago this came out

I'm just glad I don't have to go on other album review threads here and beg for a review for this LP anymore. Not that I've done that in a couple months, or however long ago this came out

What do I win?

What do I win?

I saw the trailer sometime during the summer and thought it looked awesome.

I saw the trailer sometime during the summer and thought it looked awesome.

Aww man, I was designed for moments like these!

Aww man, I was designed for moments like these!

I'm gonna go with find a real thing to get upset about. If that doesn't work, definitely set his lawn on fire. I don't even care if you use the gasoline to spell 'shawn'.

I'm gonna go with find a real thing to get upset about. If that doesn't work, definitely set his lawn on fire. I don't even care if you use the gasoline to spell 'shawn'.