Golan and Globus

To which she replies, her eyes wide and moist, "Now you can jerk off on me." (Cue swelling violins.)

No, you got it right the first time.

It would pleasant to smash him in the face.

Ate the poop; threw the poop. It's all good.

People with "wards" who do too much cocaine and drive Rolls Royces into orchestra pits?

I don't think I have ever felt rage and despair communicated so effectively as in Dear Zachary. I'm not immune to tearing up over a good emotional sequence in a film but at that horrible final moment in that flick I wept and it took a while to stop.

Jesus christ that book is disturbing. Supposedly autobiographical so no wonder Kosinski killed himself.

Raised Catholic. It goes with the territory but his genius is knowing just how to tap into it.

Or about a chess playing IBM computer on a boat.


University of Spoiled Children.

Boo on him. Discrete Charm is the witty counterpoint to EA, in a way. Wealthy people gather to eat but circumstances keep getting in the way of them ever putting food in their mouths.

Ah, oui! Excellent film.Another vote for Exterminating Angel too; it's really bizarre and very entertaining. If you are feeling adventurous try That Obscure Object of Desire. Pretty great but also totally maddening - in a good way.

That is one of the greatest comments ever on this site, Batz. Rosa Parks, indeed.

Awkward reply above you, Ricky Coogin, but I totally understand and detected no sarcasm. It's actually quite a bad-ass ride, especially for the time. Also unique, which points to Jone's coolness. and, yes, that movie is extremely hilarious. It's been a while and I was very impaired when I saw it but it was great. I

"When he drops his guard, she drops her nightgown, and takes down four thugs while wearing nothing but a pair of panties."

Not to nitpick but you can leave out the modifier "super-cool." Jensen Interceptors are, by their nature, super-cool.

So you're suggesting that Edward was sucking Hitler's dick? Or did I read that wrong?

Afraid so, Dick. Gabby dew year!