Golan and Globus

Haven't read all comments yet but no mention that I have seen of his awesome style. He was one well turned motherfucker. Beautifully tailored suits that always had a bit, but not too much, flash to add value. And this during the 70s and 80s so quite an achievement.

Violet has money and generations of class and good breeding. The Shirley character will undoubtedly have more money and good old American MOXIE.

She's also Auntie Spiker from James and the giant Peach.

Amen to Edward G.'s final scene. Totally heartbreaking in a beautiful way.


Yes, it's difficult. Caravaggio was a murderous, violent shitbag but his art is truly transcendent in spite of, or more likely, because of his shitbagness. I can love his work and Polanski's too but their misdeeds hover in my consciousness whenever I view them.

Weren't they all living together in Mick's grandmother's flat too?

Lobsters, if you are not shitting about that Robbie Benson tidbit, it is fantastically random and weird.

Exactly. It's like when the Cramps played that California mental hospital. Crazy!

Perish the thought. They remain in exalted avant territory with Howard Huge and Mary Worth.

Damn, Mr. Greene, you are the link master.

Hell yeah! It made Colonel Potter puke. That was a great episode - fucking drugs, man.

I have done restaurant work off and on for decades - off for now - and last weekend I went to the high end place where I last worked. Great meal, really stellar, creative, skilled work by the kitchen and smooth, exquisite service by the front of the house. Afterwards I shot the shit with a bunch of old friends there

Yeah, since his daughter was born. He wants to be around for her as long as he can.

You add to the evidence of your Chicago-ness by using the term "kitty-corner". If you were from Philly or Bawlmer you would have written "catty-corner."

You beat me to it, Vic.

She was great in Bio-Dome.

Too true. I feel bad for smearing Tesla like that when it's Edison who deserves the abuse. Sorry, Nikola, it was all in fun.

Wow. Great choice Mike. I have only vaguely heard of this but that sequence really got me. The little girl's reaction when she gets to people stabbed me right in the guts.