Golan and Globus

@ Chartex - When I was a kid and an adult would learn my name they invariably say, "The MENACE?!" By the time I was about 12 I would fake laugh really loudly and then say, "Good one! Never heard that before." My mom told me to cut it out because I was being rude, implying that I actually was being something closer to

Old feet dipped in paint thinner.

Has anyone ever seen John Lydon and PIL make an absolute mockery of the lip syncing thing on Bandstand? It's here:

Good call, Jim. LW has one of the weirdest vibes of any show ever put on TV. For all of the color and energy it still seems like a giant Xanax promo.

I went to high school in Indianapolis and the monster movie of the week was hosted by Sammy Terry:

Interesting choice with "Written on the Wind," Juanito. The technicolor does look fabulous but Sirk makes everything look so screamingly fake and studio bound that the technique doesn't have the same sweeping drama that Powell and Pressburger get with "Black Narcissus" or "The Red Shoes."

He was a lawyer but it really did not matter whether he worked or not - at least not financially. He mostly just looked after his family's monetary interests. He could have moved but he waited too long and just as he decided to go to Europe with the Countess, his wife announced to him that she was pregnant. Trapped.

Oh yeah. The Bermuda Triangle was a big fucking deal in the seventies. There must have been three or four films or TV specials made about the big mystery of it all. At least one was by Sunn Classic Pictures sandwiched in between "The Search for Historic Jesus" and whatever Sasquatch and/or Loch Ness monster pic they

Thanks for the tip, Warren. Haven't seen "Red Ryder" yet but will seek it out. His faith healer doc is pretty amazing.

Yeah, Sensurround makes the flick. I saw it when I was in 6th grade and I thought my friend PJ was so badass because when the shaking started he ran down the aisle and stuck his head in one of the the big speakers that produced the effect. HE COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!

Actually, it is pretty good. It's a ridiculous Hollywood soap opera but within those bounds it's very well made and a lot of fun.

Agreed on Juggernaut. It is an actual good film. Totally not the same as the slabs of cheese that are the Airport movies and Towering Inferno. As I recall, OJ makes a run for it and ends up burning to death. Good times.

An era of proud and vigorous bush.

A big favorite of mine too. The big cop says something like, "Come back here, Sidney, sose I can chastise you." in an amused tone. The tone clashes so harshly with the "chastisement" that Sidney receives.

Whew! That's either one tired, long winded performance act or you really are that big a dick. Both are bad.

I'll add another one to Chuckie's list. We watch the pros to see them excel in a way that we cannot. One of the reasons I love the Olympics is that I get to see amazing athletes go so far beyond my own skill and determination levels at sports that I do not see every day or in sports that are so basic and elemental

I loved how Tom was having the time of his life and thought the morning guys were comedy gods.

More like Turd Crapley.

Jews also use "Nanna" and "Mimi" for grandmother monikers. Italians, on the other hand use "Mimi" as a name for the cat. My father's name to his grandkids is "Guy". This comes from my daughter who, when she was about 1 and a half and was told we were going over to grandma's house, replied, "Will that guy be there?"

Cheap, no doubt, but I still laughed when I read it.