Golan and Globus

It's in the works, Lee. And they're in wheelchairs. It's gonna rock - and make a ton of money.

And Heston giving the one-eyed intimidation stare to Arnie is pretty cool.

Cannon Group!
You all may get tired of me gloating over our awesomeness but too bad.

It took me about six attempts to isolate it but at the very end of the clip above with Detective Squarejaw at Chalkboard Precinct there is a half second or so of the most garish example of the 70's era living room suite decor. Rusty gold crushed velvet furniture with matching drapes and shag carpet. Now I know where

I'm with you, Blasmo. "It's afraid!" "YAAAAY!!!" is the funniest and cruelest moment in the flick. I laughed a lot during SST but that was my favorite moment.

"Belittling your friends is a pretty standard activity, because the world is always going to do that anyway, and you can only help people by putting them down. "

Don't you mean naked wang?

I actually heard a Boing! noise during that scene. Yeesh.

Oh. Sorry for being thick.

YES! He owns a sex shop, ferchissake.

Stunning Scene
Please forgive me if this has already been mentioned. This thread is huge and growing fast.

@ Yankee Deer - Assuming you were addressing me, I never said Spillane was stupid.

Richard Dreyfuss is in it. That takes it perilously close to bad.

Donald Goines
I don't know his stuff but feel that I should. Is he:

It's an oldie but I highly recommend "Behind the Candelabra," by Liberace's drug addict boy toy Scott Thorson. Icky details galore and lots of after the fact excuse making and rationalizing by Scott. Great stuff.

Opie broke my barber pole.

Agreed. Retrograde, sexist crap but gloriously so. Every time Hammer refers to a woman as a "tomato" my inner knuckledragger smiles. And "I, the Jury" has one of the most badass ending in all of detective fiction. Maybe the most.

Better! I need to see that movie again. It's been a looong time.

@ Resident Smartass: I remember that someone lights a match off the back of Kinski's neck and his head almost explodes in Kinskian rage. Is that in FAFDM? It's fucking great.

Quirk, I think that's from one of LVC's Sabata flicks.