Golan and Globus

"I judge all Roman/Greek violent films on the unrated cut of Caligula. Most won't measure up. "

They could both be classified as Hollywood Bombs.

Slavery! Fuck Yeah!

Boombox, I am with you. Thanksgiving was the best part of Grindhouse. Talk about over the top - The trampoline chick doing the splits on the knife, the beheadings (Roth even beheads himself), the freaky hybrid stuffed and roasted human/turkeys, the last second or two of the trailer where the killer appears to be

Proust summarizing.

The Apple! Cannon Group strikes again. You are all welcome.

Actually they filled him with wine and then sliced him open with a sword. Charming, right?

Cannon Group!
Just glad to see that we are well represented.

The "raters" on IMDB would rate anthrax a 6.5. The disease, not the band.

Warren you continue to impress with your encyclopedic knowledge of trash ephemera - well done.

I saw Burnt Offerings when I was about 11 or twelve in the theater with a couple of friends. I remember Oliver Reed and Karen Black lying in bed and she is starting to freak out about the whole creepy haunted house thing. She turns on her side and Reed reaches over to, I thought, comfort her but really he crudely

That Filipino dwarf guy is named Weng Weng and those flicks are super cheesey. Check out the montage of him kicking ass and amcking on chicks.

Monaghan is in the process of building an entire super catholic Jesustown just east of Naples Florida. You are not able to buy porn or contraceptives in the town.

Thanks for confirming, AV Clubbers. My Roy Batty radar was pinging too.

"Yep, that's my penis…myyyy penis."

Roadtripped from Milwaukee to Memphis for the tenth anniversary of Elvis' death in '87. Dropped acid. It was cool.

At least one song as good as any they have done
I like this record quite a lot and Aero Dynamik is easily one of the best tunes they have ever recorded. It's got one of the most fascinatingly propulsive beats ever, which is really saying something for these guys, and is nearly as good as the classic title track.

No man who speaks German could possibly be evil.

Somebody please kill Spambot Santa Claus.

ANY scene with Edna Mode was pure gold. Easily one of the funniest characters of the decade.