Golan and Globus

I second Warren's statement on Walk Hard. One of the few movies that gets better as it goes along and Reilly is fantastic. "I need 15,000 didgeridoos!"

Catherine O'Hara in A Mighty Wind. Jane Lynch in Best In Show.

Mrs. Cannon Group and I went to see Ocean's 12 on New Year's Eve with a pleasant buzz working and fairly low expectations but expecting a good time anyway. I left the theater with a headache and swearing that if I ever met Clooney or Soderburgh I would demand my $20 back. It's beyond me how you can take so much

Monica Bellucci is one of the sexiest women to ever have walked the earth. And she likes to take her clothes off.

And where was Howard Huge?

Looks like someone had some fun in a masturbatory way with the side of Sizemore's mouth. Eww. Wipe that shit off.

Sugartits, did you partake in desperate teenage drive-in boob groping while giant rabbits marauded across the country side - and Janet Leigh?

Diet rape?

Police Squad became the Naked Gun movies. I highly recommend putting the Police Squad episodes in your Netflix queue. Super hilarious stuff.


Yeah but Scotty was looking through a monocular telephoto lens on his camera so…

I have two that drive me nuts, both related to being a birdwatcher.

DD, your avatar is my new hero.

Dude, he should totally turn his didgeridoo into a bong. Dude!

Wow, there is a great worst first date movie list going here. @Justsmile, I'm with you. Any movie that starts with a guy being brutally beaten and then having dog shit smeared all over his face later followed by an exciting scene where the naked lovers must flee for their lives packed into a truck filled with

Never much cared for Dave Berg. Very suburban. His male characters were always smoking pipes while they cut the lawn or barbecued. Give me the raging absurdities and random violence of Al Jaffee, Don Martin or Sergio Aragones.

Marjoe rules. I'll second the crazy National Guardsman wannabe rapist role in Earthquake (In Sensurround!) and raise you The Food of the Gods, which is hiiilarious.

My dad had a friend who played a round of golf with Evel and two other guys back in the late 70's. Evel and one of the other guys bet heavily on each hole while Evel guzzled hard liquor. Not surprisingly, he was down over $12,000 at the last hole so Evel suggests double or nothing. Again, not surprisingly, Evel

Saber Dance!

Gah! One, Two, Three is hilarious. Breathless, silly, madcap in the best sense of the word with an amazing performance by Cagney and sharp satirical barbs flying in every direction. Yes, it's hyperactive and shouty but that's part of the fun.