
"I have no stomach for the gross stuff."

I bet you thought you were pretty clever with that comment. Just like
every other comment that I've seen that or something similar.

"Beady Eye music, mate."

Why not?

I bet the tickets cost a Hamil-TON!

Who are you kidding? You never went to Castleton.

Plus, they usually don't give a shit.

Rian Johnson is writing both of them (in addition to directing VIII). I think that's a good sign.

Because he doesn't want to.

I went to school with a guy whose face looked just like Warwick Davis'. Everybody called him "Willow".

Dean-thal Weapon

I still remember when they were just Amateurperty Brothers.

When my dad caught me reading his diary I was all apologies. I really felt dumb.

I want to know what kind of phone he has that can match the audio quality of a studio microphone.

Yeah, it's even worse.

All she wanted was a Pepsi.

Simpsons did it.

I like my steak so fucking rare I only eat it from cows that haven't even been born yet.

Jason Momoa should play Namor instead of playing Aquaman.

I didn't say it wasn't. Just said it was the worst Wes Anderson movie.