The Accidental Solipsist

StBOP: But by all means recommend the series to asshats who use straw man arguments to head off criticism of a flawed program by insisting that the critic of the show cannot be scifi fans, can't be people who can tolerate ambiguity, and who only enjoy stories solely for their ending. I mean, if you know anyone who is

StBOP: Also on the list: Don't recommend it to anyone who likes a show that is well crafted and coherent, with writers who either know what the show is actually about (whether they share it or not) or are able to convincingly fake it.

Canceraids: you're high, not a single character with the dialog of Tyrion? Yo and I must be watching different series named "The Wire" - Tyrion does not touch Bunk, Omar, Rawls, Bubbles, Bodie, D'Angelo, etc, etc, etc.

Lord Andre: what? I like the Game of Thrones series, but the profanity of Deadwood? Not even if you count his lame profanity stand-ins does it reach the level of a Calamity Jane-less episode of Deadwood. And while there is moral repugnance,it is not ubiquitous, you still have plenty of pure hearts (conveniently almost

Wow, that's a buzzkill.

So they would be modeled after the samurai of Kurosawa's movies, and not historical samurai, which would explain the qualifier in the original quote.

Sean: Are you being sarcastic?

Newc: Lucas was heavily influenced by Kurosawa, why the hell wouldn't he have originally drafted a more Kurosawa-esque ending? I certainly can see him looking at sources like The Seven Samurai and taking elements from the victory celebration at the end there for the ending of his movie, then sobering up and realizing

Why can't you have both? I mean, why is it better to have Luke engage in an awesome scene involving the pyre of Vader, and then turn around for dancing and photo op poses? You can have the jubilation of the masses, of the characters who spent their day winning against seemingly insurmountable odds (Lando, Han, Leia,

DrManhattan: exactly! If everything was reworked then the context would have been much different than "oh, Han's dead!"

If you've been to Telluride, you'd know that Kenny might be the only citizen who spent a couple weeks this year not smoking… something.

In a way, yeah, the grass fed beef is different from grain fed feedlot beef - however, the fat in the beef is marbled, so it is NOT like cooking a wild animal. If Amanda had a better grasp of the fundamentals she would have gotten the wood grill good and hot to put a sear on the outside of the beef and keep the

Vandermonde: Exactly, thank you.

Yeah, sorry, it loses too many points for the annoying and semi-inconsistent characters. I mean, I'm glad Lorena is dead, but part of her death seemed to be prompted by Sookie's toothless (ahem) threat, echoing her threats from the previous episode to so many others. Meh. There are good characters on the show, but the

As well as the Family Feud style atmosphere in the contestant room, everyone dancing, spouting cliches, and applauding on cue. Top Chef is having a weak season so I'd thought I'd see how this one stacked up… Master Chef, please pack your knives and go.

I've never had a Chicago-style deepdish, but it looks like a great pie to have with a lot of beer.

Snyder did a good job translating 300, but the book is much too short, so he had to fluff things up a bit by adding the subplot of the politics going on back in Sparta. Personally I thought that was the worst part of the movie (adding the line "Freedom isn't free" non-ironically and non-sarcastically is gag inducing).

Yeah, I have to agree with the Tara character entropy. She was originally presented as a bayou version of Good Will Hunting, sort of iconoclastic and well read, always toting a library book around and defensively showing off how smart she was. That was quickly dissolved so she could become sassy black bartender who

Yeah, and for making it weirdly accessible. For something so esoteric it was very reader-enveloping.

Lawdog: Yeah, that was crap. you missed later in the episode when the detective was able to differentiate between flowers with his eyes closed - because without the sense of touch he has cultivated his other senses.