Viggy Viggy Viggy

Guys, I think this is actually Billy Corgan.

Just the ones in a relationship.

"Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face."

Nine Lives was fucked up.

I find this Murray-man rude and disrespectful.

Then the cops show up and ask, "Who's responsible for this?" and Mr. Ernest says, "I don't know."  Then slime.  Fade to black.  Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick..N-Nick. Nick Nick….

Agreed.  Wonder Years suffers from a bit of baby boomer romanticism that has gotten more obvious as the show has aged.  I had fond memories of it growing up, but rewatching it later gives me the same feeling now as when I see a Friends rerun: "Why the fuck did we all love this?"

The scariest part of the Ghostbuster's franchise is when everyone starts singing at the end of part II.

Who is Jude Law?

How I Got The Banana Out of My Tailpipe — A Memoir By Eddie Murphy

laxcat, you've clearly not forgotten the face of your father.  Thankee-sai.

Let's go bowling or I'll call you all night long!

Heather from Blair Witch was in an episode during the first season of It's Always Sunny.

Sean O'Neal should write Aaron Sorkin's biopic.

?uestlove:  "Mr. Pinnacle's inevitable disappointment is in the home stretch!"

Say that a little louder so Ned's Atomic Dustbin can hear you.

*says so through a damn megaphone*  Fuck you too, Huey.

At least now we have something to look forward to being disappointed with.

You had it with "to whom you jerk it".

Well, the wrestling thing isn't helping.