Viggy Viggy Viggy

Gotta respect the condom…

Ok, I'm just curious as a Pearl Jam fan since Ten came out — what music do you like?  I'm curious because if you listen to any modern rock bands, I can guarantee to some degree that at least one member of the band listened to Pearl Jam growing up.  They're just a straightforward classic rock band — I can understand

You mean "Speak and Spell" or was there something before that?

Y Kant Tori Read

Flames…on the side of my face…

This is great news for fans of white guys.

Not the neo-nazi we deserve.

Is there a theory out there that the whole point of the show is that Ted is telling his kids this story because the mother has passed away?  If not, I'm calling that right now because the way Ted was talking about the extra 45 days sure sounds like someone grieving.

I enjoy listening to the music of The National.

Not necessary.  Nah.

How about another exclamation mark?

The way things fall into place for Spacey's character made me feel like I was watching grown-up Ferris Bueller's inevitable foray into politics — he even talks to the camera.  Good stuff though.

Oh well.  Thanks anyway, sir.

Me Vader Jr?  That's unpossible!

Wow!  You're so grown up!  Hey, can you explain escrow to me?

He brings out the curmudgeon in me.

He brings out the curmudgeon in me.

What's the one about R.E.M.?

What's the one about R.E.M.?

Pleasedontbegeorgiapleasedontbegeorgiapleasedontbegeor….whew — Honey Boo Boo's already done enough damage.  Thanks for the break, MTV.  This still looks terrible.