Daniel Darn Tootin

When She was at Sherlock's bedside in the hospital, she said something to the effect of "Come away with me tonight and I will show you a new way to live". It gave me goosebumps because it reminded me of the Anakin/Palpatine dynamic. She was trying to turn him to the dark side ;)

I, on the other hand, am happy she's gone and hope it's for good. Lucy was a charmless character with no redeeming features and her behaviour wasn't a realistic  representation of social awkwardness but an actress going 'Full Retard'. I hope she fell out of the bathroom window and broke her neck ending her misery for

By far my favourite. I've even incorporated its lyrics in an art installation I created.


The father was…
The waitress's boyfriend. I'm betting the farm on this one. Just another way to humiliate the waitress in a future episode. Plus, they kept a mask on him the entire episode so they may cast a cool guest star to play his part in the future.

* Leaked from Donnie Wahlberg's assistant smoothie maker *
(Shouting) - "We can't hug it out! There's a wall between us bitch!"
(In smug self aware tone) - "Blink… and you'll miss it commie."

Don Draper Lives On
I like to think that he got really into coke in the early seventies, burned out from overworking and substance abuse, then became disillusioned with the whole lifestyle, pulled a Beatles-like Maharishi sabbatical in India for a couple of years and then returned to N.Y on the turn of the 80's a

She CHANGED him as a BABY!