Chimerical Man

That is for certain the least important part of that letter, no?

This is also the film that Dan Harmon wrote a letter to a 7 year old about telling her it was okay that she was scared of the movie while her younger brother wasn't because the movie's structure didn't make sense.

"AYE YO MY DICK DON'T WORK" is one of the most confident openings to an album ever.

"Oh, Ponce! You are a Regular Character!"

Inspired and organic
Plausibly dramatic
More fun than watching static
Where am I? Clone High

Has there ever been a better working-class superhero? Arthur from The Tick is too much of a milquetoast - The Shoveler just goes out there and gets the job done.

Can you explain this interpretation a bit more? Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Matt Gourley is my hero in everything he does. I go back and forth on Harmontown, but the one where Gourley joins them in Dungeons & Dragons to play the party's skeleton lawyer is a work of art.

Best WTF Moment: Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne, Neighbors

"Total culinary amorality" is so accurate to the world of Futurama. Perfect.

Her delivery on "Right, girls?" killed me every time too.

That is one of my favourite examples of Andy Daly being able to sort of step back from a scene and recognize the reality of the situation that he's in.

The further into the show I got, and the more crazy and inept every character we met became, it became less and less likely in retrospect that the police in this universe were ever able to find Reverend Wayne's bunker in the first place.

You A Crazy Person, Internet. Go To A Dungeon.

Your Activities Are So Poorly Conveyed, Internet

Shooting Dwayne just gets you a one-time payment of $25,000 and Playboy telling you how cold you are, plus the super sad cutscene of when you kill him. Shooting Playboy gives you a new safehouse, a new outfit, and Dwayne becomes your friend and you can call him to get backup. The "right" thing to do is also the most

Yeah, Playboy asked you to kill Dwayne for him. And Playboy is a rich asshole, and Dwayne is his depressed former friend who just got out of prison and found that nobody was on his side anymore. Playboy deserved it more, but he was rich and powerful, so I swallowed my pride and did as he asked because I knew nobody

Spec Ops: The Line reminded me that in every game, when you're presented with a difficult choice, you always have a third option. Now I usually just feel worse about proceeding with making a difficult choice.