
@drdarke:disqus I think "Flash Gordon" was entertaining, but it's true that for all its flash and bigger budget, it wasn't MORE entertaining than "Flesh Gordon"

@drdarke:disqus I think "Flash Gordon" was entertaining, but it's true that for all its flash and bigger budget, it wasn't MORE entertaining than "Flesh Gordon"

I was at a CineMark theatre just a couple days ago, and saw this. I sneered at the classlessness of people who would have to be cajoled and bribed not to text during a movie.

I was at a CineMark theatre just a couple days ago, and saw this. I sneered at the classlessness of people who would have to be cajoled and bribed not to text during a movie.

@avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus I actually almost posted the link here, then thought - nah, that's not really what the AVClub boards are for. And lord knows I would have been embarrassed if I'd gotten flagged, or chastised, or something.

@avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus I actually almost posted the link here, then thought - nah, that's not really what the AVClub boards are for. And lord knows I would have been embarrassed if I'd gotten flagged, or chastised, or something.

@avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus You know, in MY day, enterprising young fellows such as yourself would have had no problem googling "sam j jones playgirl".

@avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus You know, in MY day, enterprising young fellows such as yourself would have had no problem googling "sam j jones playgirl".

In Flash Gordon? When they're waking up in the ship? After they've been knocked out? And everyone's hands are drifting over everyone else's faces and things? In slow motion, and everyone seeming kind of doped up and sensuous?

In Flash Gordon? When they're waking up in the ship? After they've been knocked out? And everyone's hands are drifting over everyone else's faces and things? In slow motion, and everyone seeming kind of doped up and sensuous?

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus and @avclub-3bca94e353e508c1a49bf984fc5c346d:disqus , we will accept both of your answers.

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus and @avclub-3bca94e353e508c1a49bf984fc5c346d:disqus , we will accept both of your answers.

It was kind of porn-y, in a good way. It's even more apparent when you watch "Flesh Gordon", which is really not that much different.

It was kind of porn-y, in a good way. It's even more apparent when you watch "Flesh Gordon", which is really not that much different.

I knew it was a thing, but had no idea it ran for so long.

I knew it was a thing, but had no idea it ran for so long.

I remember it as "What's the sound of an exploding sheep?", but it was a long time ago.

I remember it as "What's the sound of an exploding sheep?", but it was a long time ago.

Yeah. Ugh.

Yeah. Ugh.