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also, with increasingly diminishing returns,

also, with increasingly diminishing returns,

"Dreamgirls" was her first choice, but she wanted some of the songs reassigned to her. David Geffen probably considered doing that for, I don't know, about zero milliseconds.

"Dreamgirls" was her first choice, but she wanted some of the songs reassigned to her. David Geffen probably considered doing that for, I don't know, about zero milliseconds.

Actually I think most purists agree that the new effects are a definite bonus.

Actually I think most purists agree that the new effects are a definite bonus.

It drove everyone kind of crazy, including Marina Sirtis. They did eventually give her a uniform which didn't have the plunging neckline.

It drove everyone kind of crazy, including Marina Sirtis. They did eventually give her a uniform which didn't have the plunging neckline.

I've always wanted to recommend to a newbie: 1. TOS "Space Seed", then jump to 2. "Wrath Of Khan", then finish with 3. "The Undiscovered Country" (with maybe "Search for Spock" and "Voyage Home" in between 2 and 3, since there's thru-story arc to the three movies. Then return to TOS.

I've always wanted to recommend to a newbie: 1. TOS "Space Seed", then jump to 2. "Wrath Of Khan", then finish with 3. "The Undiscovered Country" (with maybe "Search for Spock" and "Voyage Home" in between 2 and 3, since there's thru-story arc to the three movies. Then return to TOS.

Actually, the things you listed were definite strengths. I liked all the characters, and Seven of Nine was a fascinating character, and I thought Janeway was terrific.

Actually, the things you listed were definite strengths. I liked all the characters, and Seven of Nine was a fascinating character, and I thought Janeway was terrific.

Voyager had the worst bad episodes - and the most. When it was bad, it was Smallville bad.

Voyager had the worst bad episodes - and the most. When it was bad, it was Smallville bad.

The remastered episodes were playing on TV a few years ago, around the time that the new movie came out. I was kind of vaguely aware of them, but I was watching a scene of the shuttle Galileo docking on the Enterprise and thought - wow! That looks fantastic! Oh, if that's what I was reading about, I totally approve.

The remastered episodes were playing on TV a few years ago, around the time that the new movie came out. I was kind of vaguely aware of them, but I was watching a scene of the shuttle Galileo docking on the Enterprise and thought - wow! That looks fantastic! Oh, if that's what I was reading about, I totally approve.

Really one of the great iconic logos of advertising, up there with PSYCHO's cracked block letters