
sorely >>> solely

sorely >>> solely

I have to agree, really. Unless the bare-bones is a really shit transfer, or something, the movie's the thing, and those Criterions can be pret-ty pricey (though worth it).

That was only 20? Really?

Ooh @avclub-9ad2f925a32643f541b183503f33a8c6:disqus …thank you. It was obviously a thing, but couldn't remember what from.

Ooh @avclub-9ad2f925a32643f541b183503f33a8c6:disqus …thank you. It was obviously a thing, but couldn't remember what from.

Genuinely impressive that she could be so mesmerising even with that terrible wig.

Genuinely impressive that she could be so mesmerising even with that terrible wig.

Ooh then, you're in for a treat! You probably don't need any prompting, but…"The Lady Eve" anyway. "The Lady Eve"!

It must be difficult to write about something you love so much and know so well as "Monty Python's Flying Circus". But, seriously, you got the job, right? You don't have to prove yourself - simmer down a bit.

It must be difficult to write about something you love so much and know so well as "Monty Python's Flying Circus". But, seriously, you got the job, right? You don't have to prove yourself - simmer down a bit.

How many did you need?

How many did you need?

That is freaking brilliant. Perfect.

That is freaking brilliant. Perfect.

You know, the fact that they're spelled differently meant that I didn't even connect the words/names as having anything in common until he said this (or until Jon Stewart said it, I guess). Maybe I'm the only one? I don't know - but I don't think as a "culture" we're all that post-literate yet.

You know, the fact that they're spelled differently meant that I didn't even connect the words/names as having anything in common until he said this (or until Jon Stewart said it, I guess). Maybe I'm the only one? I don't know - but I don't think as a "culture" we're all that post-literate yet.

Had. Actually, I think that was the first and last time I wholeheartedly believed a crazy rumor like that.

Had. Actually, I think that was the first and last time I wholeheartedly believed a crazy rumor like that.

And the utter incomprehensibility of WHY you'd be talking about something like that anyway - that's the worst.