
French & Saunders! They made terrific parodies - in the beginning they were mostly Dawn and Jen goofing on the movies, then as they became more popular the parodies became progressively bigger-budgeted but no less hilarious and spot-on for it; google French & Saunders Mamma Mia if you feel like roaring with laughter

There was "Snow White: A Tale of Terror" in the early '90s, with Sigourney Weaver as the stepmother queen. It had promise, but meh…

There was "Snow White: A Tale of Terror" in the early '90s, with Sigourney Weaver as the stepmother queen. It had promise, but meh…

I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and going with "pale"

I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and going with "pale"

Yes. I'm seeing this tomorrow and expect to enjoy it, but I'm just ignoring that aspect completely. Anyway, it looks like Stewart's skin is definitely lighter than Theron's; "fairer" doesn't necessarily mean "prettier".

Yes. I'm seeing this tomorrow and expect to enjoy it, but I'm just ignoring that aspect completely. Anyway, it looks like Stewart's skin is definitely lighter than Theron's; "fairer" doesn't necessarily mean "prettier".

No, he really did ask "Didn't there a promotion…"? Good eye.

No, he really did ask "Didn't there a promotion…"? Good eye.

Aw man, there was a two-parter? I only recorded the first part. I give up on tv.

Aw man, there was a two-parter? I only recorded the first part. I give up on tv.

What town is that? I feel a strange connection to her because as a child I watched both "Name That Tune" and "Hee Haw Honeys".

I did too - oh well.

I did too - oh well.

Please do not shout/ And wave it about/ Or the others will be wanting one too.

Please do not shout/ And wave it about/ Or the others will be wanting one too.

Same thing happened to me - the comments no longer load, I had to make a new profile. I wonder what's causing it?

Same thing happened to me - the comments no longer load, I had to make a new profile. I wonder what's causing it?

Hm, two Cyd Charisse movies I'd love to see in proper format: "Party Girl", which I only saw on VHS long ago and really liked, and "Meet Me In Las Vegas", just because.

Hm, two Cyd Charisse movies I'd love to see in proper format: "Party Girl", which I only saw on VHS long ago and really liked, and "Meet Me In Las Vegas", just because.