Glen Hamed

Fridays work best for me, die hard liveblogging was fun.

Night! I'm heading off also. Thanks for being awesome community board.

Fever is finally down, but I'll be spending the weekend resting.

This was fun

merry christmas everyone

die hard is a fine movie

cancer man was behind it all along

Hi I'm Agent Mulder and this is Agent Scully

hostage terrorist, terrorist hostage

holy crap this guy has a great punchable smile

gay panic!

Full House MD

I believe in Harvey Johnson

*cuts to blues brothers in the elevator*

I'm pretty sure he had like a whole winter scene on one. Real cheesy looking.

If the sweaters were like the ones Charlie wore on the IASIP christmas episode it would the greatest.

I'm rooting for the FCC

cool cool

pretty sure if you called 911 and said terrorists were taking over a high-rise there would be a much bigger response today

Oi, my fever made me a bit late to commenting. But man, I forgot how much I just enjoy watching this thing.