the lies of minnelli

As always, the problem for advertisers is when the accused does something to bother their potential sales demographic. They didn't give a shit about all the stuff O'Reilly has done on his show for years so it's hard to cheer them on now.

I'm sure the American public are well versed in 90s anime.

Not knowing about something and having no interest in seeing it are two different things, but there's been at least three Ghost in the Shell trailers and each gave a pretty clear idea of what the film would be. If you saw them and weren't interested, that's fine, but it sounds like you want to go into it knowing

That's the only thing I can think of. If you look at what sells, for eleven months of the year, it's horror movies and children's movies like Avengers and Star Wars and the thing that's notable about those is that they never end, each one is like a two hour long episode that leads directly into the sequel, so it's

People remember it because it looked great but it was insanely boring, only, because the boring stuff was quotes from scientists and philosophers, that got translated into people talking about it was the thinking person's animation.

Isn't that the problem with nerd culture in general? A refusal to engage with something you don't already know about.

In a broad sense, definitely, but in terms of how it's positioned, it's new. Ghost in the Shell is a famous anime franchise but that's the kind of thing that people are more like to be aware of that actually know.

I don't believe people aren't seeing this movie because of the whitewashing controversy, I think it's more that nobody wants to see a new IP.

It's a fairly insane thing to say, but I was talking to some friends about Ghost in the Shell flopping this weekend, and ended up coming to the conclusion that there just isn't a film culture for that kind of movie anymore, even though on the surface it looks like the most accessible thing in the world. The received

Him implying that they might not get married on a TV show while knowing he was definitely going to marry her is the kind of genius mind game Wyatt could only dream of coming up with.

John Cena is too perfect for this world.

They're both the definition of franchise affiliated, one Marvel and the other DC. Stuff like Atomic Blonde is more in line with what I was thinking.

And pretty much any non-franchise affiliated female fronted action movie too.

Just because it's been spoiled elsewhere doesn't mean I've read them, and I am going to see it, but it's only been out two days so it isn't like I've had much of a chance.

Thanks for the spoiler, dickhead.

It flopped so nobody is saying a word about it but I'd be amazed if Triple 9 didn't have at least an hour of footage cut out.

Watched the first two James Stewart/Anthony Mann westerns, Winchester '73 and Bend of the River, yesterday. While Mann directs Winchester '73 like a noir, which is understandable considering his filmography up to that point, making it seem less like a hunt across the west than a drawn out search in a neighbourhood, by

I can't believe either your belief that educated office workers in the west are particularly smart or tech savvy nor that people don't know what's happened in their own countries. You may as well be saying that you think people in the middle east hate you for your freedom. I also think that any Russian interference is

I assume you're being a pedant so I can't say one way or another if 50.1% or more of the world knows what phishing is or knows about US interference worldwide but I guarantee more know about phishing than you think and a lot more know about US interference. And the hysteria of America tying itself in knots to make the