the lies of minnelli

"Much of it is." Fuck off. That attitude is exactly why most of the world finds this hysteria hilarious.

Insane. They were between £3 and £5 when I started collecting and I can't imagine how much they cost now.

I'm looking forward to all the principled republicans taking a stand against this like they did with Donald Trump.

People like you would have loved the nazis if you were around in the 1940s.

You must think the rest of the world is fucking stupid.

I found my comic collection last summer and remembered that I didn't start collecting until I was 12 because I couldn't afford them - that year was when my grandma started giving me pocket money as well as my parents - and then it was only about four years worth of books before my collection turned entirely into trade

I don't know. The amount of series that have already gone back to the well this generation, even though they wrapped themselves up pretty definitively last generation, makes me think the nostalgia cycle for video games is only about a decade.

This is the least surprising news ever. Not only is nerd culture primarily about recycling and rejecting the new but the boom in comic book movies hasn't translated to the actual books themselves and a lot of the fans, like gamers, are incredibly insular and will reject anything that can be written off as pandering to

Often rightly so, too.

Don't trust the T- —————— in apartment 3D

When I think of padding, I think of JRPGs. Random encounter systems make me feel like I'm wasting my time and give up. It's why I ended up playing maybe fifteen minutes of Final Fantasy VII.

I got the feeling that it's noisy, chaotic and messy on purpose. People tend to assume any kind of incoherence has to be a mistake or the result of bad talent behind the camera but after how tight and controlled the rest of the film was, the scene where they're getting fucked up by a minigun playing out like that made

This is guaranteed to be because everyone in the best column uploaded what was essentially just a passport photo of themselves wearing a suit.

They don't establish superheroes as being in alternate dimensions, unless they're specifically alternate dimension stories; stuff like Superman's kryptonite or Wolverine's claws aren't scientifically correct - and neither are much simpler things, like the way the cars handle in Fast and Furious - so I don't know why

Besides for the Oscar run at the end of the year, I don't think seasons matter the same way anymore. At this point, movie schedules are studios fitting in whatever they can around Disney's big launches.

They should remake Platoon but put a Gundam in it and call it the 8th MS Team.

Fuck: Paul W.S. Anderson
Marry: Paul T. Anderson
Kill: Wesley Anderson

It makes sense that Daniel Day-Lewis should be in a movie about fashion because he acts with the same amount of interiority as a mannequin.

I also instantly thought of old fashioned heels, namely Triple H. In my mind, one of the most common sights in wrestling as a child was seeing HHH, bloody and battered, needing to be carried to the back, but still having the belt on his shoulder.