the lies of minnelli

I saw it when it came out and thought it was fine but had no recollection of it being anywhere near that long either; I just checked Wikipedia and I saw the shortest possible cut so I'll have to find the full version.

I really don't know what the point of brick-and-mortar retail is any more. I recently went to buy a Roku box from a Currys - a UK brand that's basically a Radio Shack type place - entirely because my parents still don't trust online shopping. The ratio of staff to customers was at least five to one, and, of those

What's considered Assayas' best film so far? I've only seen Clouds of Sils Maria and could not have been less impressed. Ignatiy mentioning the bad English dialogue reminds me that my only takeaway from the film, besides for how good Juliette Binoche and Kristen Stewart are at saving limp material, was that the

Seeing as there are never any newswires about books written for adults, I'll use this to say I don't know if I'm excited or concerned to find out that John le Carré's new book is about George Smiley. He got the perfect send off with The Secret Pilgrim and there's no particular reason to bring him back in 2017, unless


If this is the gender swapped version of Very Bad Things, it should have a post-credits scene of Juliette Binoche seeing Scarlett Johansson, legless in a wheelchair, and proposing to give her the prosthetic body from Ghost in the Shell.

Remember this the next time someone suggests that Trump is some kind of aberration from the reasonable conservatives of the GOP.

The winner goes on to face the winner of Kramer vs. Kramer in the final.

Three films in and they still have no idea what to do with Thor.

I basically had that same fight with my mum at some point at university. She, like all adults of a certain age, thought it was like getting into Hogwarts - especially because it was a Russell Group university and I was studying something as boring and purportedly lucrative as accounting - but it was boring as fuck and

Never. Dressing your age is a hoax.

But they don't like le Drumpf so they're actually the good guys.

He's at least the fourth in my lifetime.

Terminator 2, Ronin and To Live and Die in LA are the only ones I can think of that lived up to the hype.

Vue cinemas in the UK used to do screenings of certain films there were 18+ even if the rating wasn't and it was great but I imagine the margins are so tight in the film business these days that doing anything prohibitive, even if it makes the showings infinitely better, is a bad move.

Spike Lee directed the Mike Tyson one-man show too didn't he? I don't know how much direction can go into one person standing on a stage, talking at a camera, but it's the only one of those I've seen that i enjoyed so I'm interested in seeing what he does here.

My fear is coming true and now that superhero IPs have reached a tipping point, studios are moving onto video games and angling them as the next big thing.

People would probably think it's charming because they've only seen the movie but Carol is a really prickly story too. Todd Haynes took out all the stuff about how Carol is turned on by basically bullying Therese for most of the book.

Stuff like this is why I consider sexual pathology to be the defining trait of religious people. A theatre in Alabama has banned it too and the response makes me think others in the south will do it too: https://www.nytimes.com/201…