the lies of minnelli

He looks like a minor named character from a 70s Clint Eastwood movie.

If you think that's good, just wait till you find out what your cool gangster friend did to Yemen.

Speaking of Chapo, where did 'caughing on that lound' come from? Google only points to either Felix and PPG's twitter accounts or the people retweeting them.

There's so much content out there mined from simple things like newspaper articles where someone is described as being a big guy that this could easily be a troll, and Buzzfeed are the exact kind of people who would fall for it too.

It's homoerotic in context because he's cut off with "you're a big guy," a totally random and homoerotic aside, and he still follows it up with "for you" even though he could have said anything else.

And Americans already treat them so.

They used Code Red to lower the sperm count in the feeble minded.

Who would have thought the people who listen to metal would be incredibly touchy pedants?

I know that she changed it from Margaret as a teenager but there's also Lionel Shriver. The one that bucks the trend is that, in Germany, the Harry Potter books are credited to Joanne K. Rowling, and I haven't seen that anywhere else.

All the YA fiction you could ever hope to read, all in one place.

Will there ever be a pushback against the MPAA? The concept of ratings has long worn out its usefulness and now exists to make everything as bland and PG-13 as possible.

I tend to stay until at least all the actors have scrolled up so I can see if there's any cameos of small parts I missed - like waiting to see that it was Patrick Wilson who did the voice of the president in Batman V. Superman - but I think I'd stay to the end if they made an effort to put good music at the end

I can only begin to imagine the kind of person who invented that title.

Everyone who saw this over the weekend and posted about it on Facebook mentioned that they loved it but waited were disappointed that they waited until after the credits for nothing, several going as far as saying they should have (somehow) said up front that there wouldn't be anything at the end.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not implying it's been a flop or anything, I'm just surprised to see a product launch at my local supermarket which hasn't completely sold out - especially because of how beloved Nintendo generally is and how overwhelmingly positive the Zelda reviews have been.

What does nu-male mean?

Baneposting is my favourite meme of all time and the only redeemable aspect of the Dark Knight Rises, besides for Christopher Nolan fans explicit avoidance of talking about it. I don't care if the alt-right have adopted this meme, I was born in it, moulded by it and I won't give it up.

When you lose the presidential election and suddenly start thinking there are principled republicans.

I liked it a lot when it was Batou and Togusa investigating in Japan because it reminded me of an animé Blade Runner and the finale on the boat is great too but the final act in the mansion is really boring. Ghost in the Shell is at its worst when it's two characters talking about philosophy with each other; I know

Thanks. I thought as much, although I wish I'd realised that earlier instead of trying to piece everything together.