the lies of minnelli

That's because libertarian perspectives are always best ignored.

Is there anything the Russian's won't hack?

One again, this is a good reminder that liberals are not on your side.

In preparation for the movie, I've been watching everything Ghost in the Shell and I've just started S.A.C. 2nd GIG. I don't know how much bigger the budget is but they've put it to good use: the first was a good show but I'm really glad that there's finally some new and less generic music cues and the animation is

I think the Japanese didn't come to the edge because they feared shelling from the warships that started the raids but, in general, war tactics are really dumb and often reliant on throwing bodies at an issue.

Three minutes, forty-one seconds, one joke, no punchlines.

I'd be interested to know what sales are like on it because the supermarket near my house, which always has signs up about reserving new games and consoles and, without fail, is full at midnight and sold out the next day, still had Switches and Switch bundles available today.

I can't believe the amount of freedom in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I've never liked the series before because, like a lot of Japanese games, it seems to think the player has never touched a game console before and tutorialises and guides the player through what should be an adventure, but this looks like it's finally

The acting is great throughout but it's really bloated. The original has finished being the masterpiece it is by the time Peter Jackson's Kong is even revealed.

My favourite thing is that they didn't replace the scene, they just took the spiders out, meaning that when the dummies hit the floor, instead of being eaten alive, they land with real severity. It's more violent than something you could get away with today.

I Melt With You had a lot of potential but ended up being ruined by drug movie cliches. There needs to be a ban on Rolling Stones being played over either fast montages of people doing coke or slow montages of people doing heroin.

I wish I understood ballet. I've seen trailers for Dancer, the movie about Sergei Polunin, for months and clips of him dancing are very physically impressive but I couldn't tell you anything about it.

Wasn't the idea that they ultimately blow up the building, killing everyone while they sneak out in the ambulance, meaning everyone thinks they're dead?

Especially because when I first saw it as a child, Die Hard With a Vengeance was out and I thought Jeremy Irons terrible American accent was supposed to be a family connection to Hans. They both speak posh English with a slightly German lilt on it, so it made sense that they would both do bad American accents too.

As a wealthy dickhead who has based an entire career on acting under bad makeup, obvious wigs and doing terrible accents, Trump should be Depp's easiest role.

The election was finally the thing to push Alec Baldwin over the edge and into total insanity. It's like he received Alex Jones' personality on election day and just keeps ramping it up.

I don't think anybody on their side believes they are; I only ever saw them being called socialists by liberals and conservatives, and always as a slur. Most of the time, I saw people talking about them, Bernie, at least, as the the start of a socialist movement as his policies made him out to look like the candidate

I wrapped up The Renown Cycle earlier this afternoon. Was Randolph Scott knowingly only going to make one more movie after Comanche Station because the final scene of him, riding lonesome, out into the craggy wilderness, is perfect. Besides for those six movies, and Ride The High Country, what other of his movies are

This could be applied to anyone on my Facebook who has a job. Every sunday night is like reading fifty suicide notes at once.

Listening to Kevin Smith on Joe Rogan last year was a good reminder that he's as much of a dumb, unfunny stoner dickhead as his films and general presence in media would suggest. Him talking about how people need to work for their success in the same breath as talking about how he casts his daughter and his friends in