the lies of minnelli

Will Anna Kendrick ever be in anything good? I've never seen the Pitch Perfect movies, but if they're as good as people say, that's still two out of years worth of total garbage.

When I was in primary school, I remember being told by another kid that the Stone Cold Stunner was the worst finisher because, instead of hurting the opponent, it just stuns the opponent for long enough that they can be pinned and was tantamount to cheating.

I haven't seen the Black & Chrome version of Mad Max but I have seen a few contemporary black and white releases and the difference between actual black and white cinematography and the contemporary stuff which is all done in post is very clear. Some films might work - I know Peter Bogdanovich wanted to make a black

America is a death cult.

It felt like an entire TV series condensed into a movie, kind of like the live action version of an OVA or something, and if any part of it had room to breathe, it would have been really good instead of an odd misfire.

I don't know how that algorithm works. I'll watch a video of Alex Jones freaking out and then it starts recommending I watch his channel and channels like it but I spend a lot of time watching fitness channels and it never recommends me anything I'm not already subscribed to.

Great actress and horrible person. I think it was Chinatown where she had an assistant to flush the toilet for her because she considered it below her station, and that kind of behaviour caught up with her sooner rather than later.

She was great and should have continued to be great for years beyond her prime - roughly from Bonnie & Clyde to Network - but she was horrible and, as is the way in Hollywood, that meant that once the hits stopped, so did she.

I thought you did have to be a certain age (16?) to put stuff on YouTube?

Finally, Reddit gets its own version of The Fast and The Furious.

The best part of the trailer is finding out that he isn't just ripping off the same formula again but he's added the Battle Royale 2 twist of the cast all being couples.

You sound like you have a very narrow concept of enjoyable.

I expected no less from a channel named after Xavier Dolan.

Faye Dunaway on her career: “I really fucked that up.”

He texted me. That cheapskate was offering me $1000 to protest, but like I told George Soros, I don't get out of bed for less than $1500 a week.

This week's Chapo is one of their best and it's telling that it's the only place that's had an honest sociological profile on the alt-right instead of just assuming America turned nazi on the stroke of midnight on election day.

At least you got through to him. I tried calling him to order a pizza and it went to the answer machine after only two rings.

No, no and fuck off no.

Movie attendance is declining and the only things that make money are kids movies so, of course, nobody is tuning in to see a show where the only movies they know are Suicide Squad and Star Wars, both only nominated for technical awards.